Arnold Classic "After Parties"

ChuckaZulu said:
Will do, I've got TT's cell.

Mdtnt said he wrote it on a bathroom wall somewhere. Cool, we'll be looking forward to hearing from you. Fonz wont be able to stay out late cause of his curfew but we cna send him back to the hotel in a cab early. Give us a call. This is going to one hell of a weekend. I'm prepared to look like a string bean.
Man, I checked out this classic thing,,,,never been to one. Columbus is only 2.5 hours away so I figured I'd look it over. Is that $75 per day for a ticket? It also would seem I couldn't watch the ladies and men the same day? Would love to go but I'm too poor.
Thats alot of big talk for someone who's smaller than my lower body, lol. Dont make me beat up on an old man.
You can take Mike but remember I've been drinking milk so I'm going to be growing soon Mr. and then what?
LOL, thats gonna take alot of milk since i outweigh ya by over 50lbs. That better be whole milk, its better for you anyways.