Year long cycle..any one else???


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Are there any other members who stay on cycle for the majority of the year and if so what measure do you take to keep everything working hcg etc......
me personlyy i am on about 11 months out of the year...i have been on hrt for a while so i dont even count that....i run hcg intermittently through out...any one else???
i was on for the better part of this last year...i think 10 1/2 months. i took 1000iu/day of hcg for 5 days every 7 made coming off a TON easier and i have lost mabye about 5 or 6 pounds.
been clean for a long time long long time, but i use to stay on for years, off cycle was low doses and some anti-es and ball medicines,lmao, I think those that compete usualy stay on most of the time, but not all im sure
see this has been a fasination of mine now for sometime..i have some big plans but the idea of becomin sterile terrifies me..i think i am going to stay on this year till maybe next summer but mainly because i have been plagued with injuries etc now and havnt been able to take full advantge of my current run..and i dont wanna stop start stop ya know..i know some people that stay on for years and can breed like fucking field mice..i hope i can be one of them LOL
I am looking into a long cycle though.. Needs to be a cutter, I love tren, but its so damn toxic. I was thinking of something like 6 weeks of prop/tren.. then 4 weeks of IGF... then another 6 weeks of prop/tren... and so on... Id like to run it from now till november...then just staying on the IGF for a long rest.
3 cheers for IP being sterile!!!!! anyway, yeah i end up being on test most of the year. I have used hcg before and was very pleasewd with the results
Bro, I stay on about 8+ months out of the last year. However, its not a heavy cycle all year. Hit it hard for about 3-4 months then primo and clomid/nolv for 6-8 wks then jump back on. The low dose primo help retain about 90 % of my gains and I felt that PCT was effective, not 100% but i was ready to rock and roll agin in a few weeks. Worked good, next time around I am going to try things a little different (different AAS) and will more than likely need HCG.
My best gains came from staying on year long. The key for me was keeping a constant dose of test and when I felt gains slowing down I would hit some dbol for a month........
Cyphon said:
My best gains came from staying on year long. The key for me was keeping a constant dose of test and when I felt gains slowing down I would hit some dbol for a month........

sounds all too the magic D's kinda like candy.
You weren't counting HRT though. I'm on all year round, sometimes higher doses, sometimes a little lower.
Question, if tolerances grow using and the body becames less reponsive to testosterone, what happens when you quit? Or does it all come back, hence the reason for cycles?

I'd hate to crash down after using for 12+ months, would almost make you want to wear a dress.
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my buddy used to laugh at me every time I went off cause Id loose a large % of my gains.... (this was in the 80's, before internet, pct, and MC- it was like the stone ages!!) .. anyway, the mofo never went off... thats why he always got bigger.... He never bothered telling me till 10 years later.... f#@&er!!!
I believe even when you are on all year long, you still have to raise and lower your dosages because of receptor saturation. Testosterone is produced in rhythmic cycles daily (higher level in the morning then tapers off during the day), and if you look at the larger picture, say a year--a normal man's test levels are higher in summer weather than in winter.

If you were to take extra test for a year then stop suddenly, you have no test production of your own to hold you up. You then lose gains unless you can jumpstart your own production or you never go off but move to a lower dosage (and still control estrogen, etc. with PCT).
i definately think someone can be on for very long periods of time and retain most of thier muscle if they take the proper precautions while on(HCG) and they come off correctly.
started june 2003 and i came off march 2004 for a few weeks and ive been back on ever since. its so hard when you doing shows cuz you gotta make improvements in the offseason then you go right into contest prep. after this show im taking two months off.

precautions? i take alot of liv52, nolvadex throughout cycle, and i alway rotate my injection sites. dont wanna use them up and get them all scarry.frequent blood tests as well