New Members!!!!!!!!


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Just wanted to take a sec and say hey to all of the new members and ask that you start a thread and introduce your selfs.....thanks for joining and posting but tell us who you are......
i did taht once but i mean come on that fucking newbie was reaching across my plate..what was i going to do?
Yea, I see new registers all the time!

Lets see some new faces in this thread. Introduce yourselves and let us know your goals!
hey everyone. i did an intro a few weeks back but everyone might not have saw it. i'm 24, 5'10 180. currently running a prop/eq cycle. looking to harden up, drop some body fat. i have been off gear for 2 years but decided to go back on. i do not grow easily and it's really frustrating not seeing results with all the time i spend training, my clean diet and the money i spend on protein. hopefully i can put on a little bit of size and harden up. i am not looking to get jacked. i just really want to have a good athletic build. i already learned alot from this board in the past few weeks. thanks to everyone that has helped me out with my cycle and other questions. i look forward to learning more.
marble here; getbig's my home board. i'm another one of your biochemist dweebs who thinks he's a bodybuilder too. :D i came here mostly to discuss lr3igf-i, but there aren't many people left to discuss it with...

i know the history of the board and am amazed it's still around, but similarly amazed it's fared so poorly. i really hope the reputation of the place can be rebuilt around solid people and solid products. i like it here a lot; good people.

thanks for the warm welcome. :)
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