painful inj


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Its been 4 days of 100mgs of prop per day. I want to know why some sites bruise up, swell, and are painful... yet others dont.

Is it just that some sites are more sensitive than others? Or is it something Im doing???

I noticed that my shoulders dont have a problem.... But my leg from yesterday feels like a charlie horse!!!...

more info:

Im using 1 1/2 23's.... W/ a cut protective cover. (so its only going in about 5/8s)...

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Welcome to the club! Monday I went in my left quad, no pain at all and today is Fri.... Wed. I went in my right quad and on a scale from 1-10 its about an 8.5 on the pain factor, this morning I went in right glute, ill know if its going to hurt 12hours later, If i inj, at 8am at 8 pm it will start to hurt, Ill let you know how the right glute inj. turns out, maybe everyother shot doesnt hurt? Hmmm, lll look into that.
Are you using prop? If so, whats your eod dosage? I noticed the more I put in(i.e. prop, winny, b12) the more the bruising/swelling/ and pain is....

I've started doing several inj sites instead of mixing together. So today for instance, Im going to do 100 mgs of prop in my other leg, and then 50 mgs of winny in a calf... (I probley wont be able to walk tomorrow)....
Southen Comfor:

I remember your writing earlier during the week about this same thing.... I thought you where being a pussy... lol... But now Im right there with ya....
id seriously drink the winny bro. Ive heard that shit hurts! Lol, call me a pussy if you want, Ill be the first to admit Ive got a heating pad next to my bed and when an inj. spot is sore I ace bandage the heating pad to that muscle to try and keep it warm throughout the night in hopes to let the prop pass through. Im going 100mg of prop EOD, also, its homemade, so no one said it wouldnt hurt, all they said is that it works, right now, thats more important, did i mention that I do my Injects no more than 10 mins after waking in the morning? I check my mail, down my pills, grab the syringe and alcohol wipe and fire it out, all before I even take a morning piss. Beat that! Yeah, winny in the calf, bro, youve got to drink it, your just asking for trouble!
Whats your cycle look like? What have your sides been? What are you running PCT? Asking cause Im using prop and winny right now and still stumped on PCT, will clomid help to keep more of your gains than Nolvadex? I heard clomid makes you feel like shit, but if you keep more of your gains Im down for it. Let me know how you are progressing!
It will usually hurt more where you have less bf. Thats what i've noticed. I hate sticking prop in the bi's but i have not probelms when i stick in tri's.
Thanks for the info on the heating pad... Although, im not sure if thats not a fire hazard.... I used ice on my ass wednesday after mondays 3cc (prop,winny,b-12) didnt feel to good. Seems to be doing a lot better.

I will have a complete description on the online cycle page next week.

Basically I just started, So I dont have much info.... Monday was my first day... I got the hunger on wednesday, and today was the first day I saw a significant gain in my weight training+ a little more labido.

Im doing 100ml of prop ed. W/ 50ml winny eod day. +b12 + a little clen.

1ml of fem for anti e ED. Im adding a little tren here and there... but I dont have it in my hands right now.

Im only running for 8 weeks then post will look like:

Then after 4 weeks off, Im returning to my cycle.....

Ill be doing this till november....
I used to get pain like all the time when I injected in my glutes. They must be used to it now, because I don't get very much pain if any now. I have started doing injects in my quads, and I have been getting pain in some and not in others. The ones that do hurt swell up a bit, the area is red and is warm to the touch, and keep on hurting for about five days. I think that the area just reacts sometimes to the solvent or vehicle that the compound is suspended in.
1600mg ibuprofen divided up works well too, also do not mix the prop. why inject something you can drink and it will be just as effective?
b132 and winny mix and drink prop inject, heat massage and take ibuprofen for pain.

i did that for 4 months eod on prop i made at 150mgs..u start to build a pain tolerance after a while.

you can cut the pain by making the prop warm, then inject it. this really helps.
Prop can be a very irritating ester. Like said above, cut it with another compound or sterile oil, and warm it before injection, that will help alot. Other than that, suck it up, cause it will continue to hurt. Maybe it will get better, but if your like me, it won't. I had the best relief when I mixed it equally with tren or deca (both painless injections) and warmed and mixed in the syringe. Give it a shot!
I don't think props that bad. Sure you can feel it there every second of the day but hell. On my scale of 1 to 10 I'd rate it a 3. When I dropped that 45lb plate on my toes last month, now that was an 8. Throbed like hell for 2 weeks straight and still hasn't healed. I've had some racedog test that hurt so bad youre whole leg would go numb in a couple hours, and you couldn't even bend your knee, felt like a spike drove threw your leg. I still don't understand the high BA thing cause I went 10% tonight and it only felt like a bee sting for a couple of hours. Maybe some of your guys prop needs filtered or something. Never tried it but I'd think a .22 Whatman would take everything out.
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bro, you don't know what real pain

I used some QV Enanthate 250 my second cycle and it felt like my leg was shot with a shotgun. no joke. It brought tears to my eyes limping around the office. lol.

I hardly feel any pain from injects will pass in time.
I like to do straight up ball injections with an 18ga. @ 400mg.x2ml. Only seems more natural to shoot your ball. Although the pain is somewhat intense you get really good gains.

Anyone new to the game try ball injections they are really awesome.
Optimum, I can see me now sitting at the computer with an alcohol swam, an 18g needle + syringe fully loaded and a DAMN MAGNIFYING GLASS cause I cant find my balls! They are the size of tic-tacs right now!
meanwhile... Im still limping around after the 1ml injection from last thursday. I've been putting ice on it every night, but its still very painful. I skipped my leg routine on saturday cause the thought of that just mortified me. My whole quad is swollen... but it seems to be getting better.