when should a person start


New member
I am not thinking about beginning a cycle at the moment but at what bodyfat percentage do you recomend that a person be at before beginning a cycle. Ive seen people with a lot higher body fat % than mine begin a cycle, bulk up and then diet down and get shredded.
Ive been told that I need to lose a little bf% before even thinking about gear again (you can view my before pics in the member section) but if an individuals diet is the biggest factor in getting lean or big, does it really matter when or at what bf% a person is at when he starts?
Ok bro I looked at your pics and honest opinion is that you should wait atleast 6 months before you start any gear. I am too familiar with rotator cuff injuries and I am speaking from experience if you jump into a cycle now your gonna me temped to use weight your shoulder is not ready for and you will just do more damage. Here is what I would do. #1 get your diet in check, plenty of diet guru's here so ask away. #2 start out for 3-4 months with higher reps decreasing your rest time between sets as you go. Hit some cardio to lose that bf. When I am trying to lose I hit it 30-45 min in the am then 20-30 pm. Maybe start with one then add the other after 6wks or so. Do this untill your happy with the bf then start increasing your weight and prep those tendon/lig for weight of a cycle, make sure you warm that shoulder up GOOD each day. After a few months of this (I would go until strenght gains stop) then smash your cycle, just watch the shoulder or your back to square one. feel free to pm me if you got any more question and such.
when you can be disciplined to stick to your diet religously with like one cheat day a week and when your done getting good results off a good diet. then its time to move onto somethign bigger and better
ever since i upped my cals, i havent even cheated lol, i eat oats for carbs along with chick breasts, lean steak, eggs, protein powder and flax oil and greens thats it. post-workout dextrose/whey. i eat 5 cups of oats/day = 270 carbs, my goal is to gain lean mass without fat so i have to eat clean and im never really hungry so its cool. i just eat like 6 meals a day until im not hungry no more, no less. no carbs after 7-8pm and sleep at midnight. the diet is real important. i should be doing 3 cardio sessions/week but i dont, maybe i should lol.