Should I increase my Dose?


New member
I'm currently running 400mg of 4-ad and 15mg of M1T it's my 6 day and i have noticed some increased pumps, no sides so far , but i wonder, is 15mg enough for me? I weight 262lbs and i'm also running 160mcg of clen, also have some milk thistle in there as well. Zylo suggested that i bump my dose up to 20-25mg, and thoughts on this? My diet WAS only 30-60carbs daily, with all of my carbs being ingested post-workout, i'm going to change that around to 130carbs, i'm also eating 325g's protein and 86g's fat all from efa's. I have only done one prohormone cycle so i was kinda unsure about increasing my dose, but I am 260lbs so maybe i will need a higher dose. My goal is to Cut, the prohormones are just in there to help preserve and hopefully build some muscle.
Because i've never done a cycle before and i don't intend to yet, only prohormones. I am doing my first cycle in a year. This is just for cutting my bodyfat is approx 15%.
Ya if i was already an experienced gear user i'd be using something like prop n winny, but since i'm not i'm stickin to the prohormones for now. I'm 19 right now and don't intend on touching AAS till i'm atleast 20.
Ok just thought i'd give an update on my progress, I bumped my M1t up to 20mg and i'm 10days into my M1T use, i REALLY noticed it kick in for me on yesterdays workout. I am not eating many carbs because of me cutting (60g's post-workout only).Well first week for legs i was DIEING doing hack's with 225, I have done as much as 475 on these but my strength was REALLY down. Well last night i noticed some freaky strength gains, 405lbs hacks for 10 reps, 220lbs leg curls for 10, standing leg curls 80 for 10, and 750lb leg press for 10reps for my LAST exercise! I'm impressed to say the least, if this is the strength gains i get when cutting, wow look out when i bulk, lol. I'm still not up to my normal strength on everything but i'm not weak either so i'm happy so far. I'm also 262lbs, i started my cutting a month ago at 260lbs, and i'm actually up 2lbs and my bf has gone down dramatically, i'm very pleased with the way things are going. I still have 8 weeks left of my diet, i may continue it to 10 weeks depending on how i look. I also want to do another M1T cycle for the last month of my cutter. I look like i've maybe put on 8lbs of muscle or so :D . I'll continue to keep you guys posted.
bro those prohormones your takin are essentially gear anyway...just happened at the time to get through the legal loop hole..though not as effective still gear nonethe less
IP is right. In fact, M1T is more correctly a 'pro-steroid' than a prohormone. It is even possible to get gyno from M1T. The strength gains you typically get from M1T are pretty good.
I realize what you guys are saying it is borderline, but i'm talking about my first injectable cycle, i wanna start in a year.