you want to be canadian dont you


New member
So, what do Canadians have to be proud of?
Smarties, Crispy Crunch & Coffee Crisp,
The size of our football fields and one less Down,
Football is Canadian,
Baseball is Canadian,
Lacrosse is Canadian,
Hockey is Canadian,
Basketball is Canadian,
Apple pie is Canadian,
Mr. Dress-up kicks Mr. Rogers' ass,
Tim Horton's kicks Dunkin' Donuts ass! (Tim certainly had more penalty
In the war of 1812, started by America, Canadians pushed the Americans
back . . . . past their "White House". Then we burned it . . . and most
of Washington, under the command of William Lyon McKenzie, who was
insane and hammered all the time. We then got bored because they ran
away, so we came home and partied . . . . Go figure! (note from Editor
- this is Leigh - the reason it's the white house is because after we
burned it, they painted it white... hehehe)
Canada has the largest French population that never surrendered to
We have the largest English population that never, ever surrendered or
withdrew during any war to anyone, anywhere. Our civil war was a bar
fight that lasted a little over an hour. The only person who was
arrested in our civil war was an American mercenary, who slept in and
missed the whole thing. . . but showed up just in time to get caught,
We knew plaid was cool far before Seattle caught on,
The Hudson's Bay Company once owned over 10% of the earth's surface and
is still around as the world's oldest company,
The average dog-sled team can kill and devour a full grown human in
under 3 minutes,
We still know what to do with all the parts of a buffalo,
We don't marry our kin-folk,
We invented ski-doos, jet-skis, velcro, zippers, insulin, penicillin,
zambonis, the telephone and short-wave radios that save countless lives
each year,
We have all frozen our tongues to something metal and lived to tell
about it,
. . . . the handles on our beer cases are big enough to fit your hands
with mitts on,
Oh yeah! . . . and our elections only take one day!
Your elections take one day because you have how many ppl living up there, what 1000 ppl in total, LMAO. You never surrendered, who would want a frozen tundra, lol. Did Canadians create any sport??? I'm not sure b/c last time i checked your NHL isnt even around anymore. Nice try DW, but better luck next time, LOL. JK bro but ya know i couldnt sit back and say nothing.
If you rearrange the letters in Canadian it spells not really but it was fun typing it out. LMAO!
no thanks

well, canada is beautiful but still no thanks. doesn't look like you have any other takers either. Hmmm the French, yeah, you can keep em. been to canada twice both times I've never met so many rude people in my life and I grew up in NJ. Like I said keep the french up there. If you need to feel better about being a canadian atleast you guys produce some bombass sticky green! lol
You almost had me DW and most of those facts are true especially that basketball and baseball are Canadian, that's obvious LOL. But honestly dude, Mr. Dress Up DOES NOT kick Mr. Rogers ass! That guy was the man with his land of make belief and shit. What's not to like about King Friday, Prince Tuesday and all those crazy puppets? And that little train that used to drive around everywhere. I think I've said too much...go USA!
Actually Crystaleyes i've been to the states many many times, and also have had many run ins with American's and each one has be so ignorant it was disgusting. But their is going to be assholes on both sides. All I can say is thank god we don't have that dumbass Bush running our country, LOL. Oh and it's pop NOT SODA! lol Bring on the flaming, lol.
People call it pop all over the place in the US too. PA, MN, WI, etc. I was just in MN and to hear someone say Pop, it cracked me up because I hadn't heard someone call it that in years. LOL! It was great! Bush is an ass, but then again most if not all politicians are asses anywhere you go! I don't think I have ever met a rude Canadian so far that I know of. There are assholes here in the US because at times, I am one of them LMAO!

Read this Written by an American I guess, but for all the bashing he does on Canada he sure sounds like an idiot making continuous grammar and spelling mistakes.

This is not to bash Canada in anyway other than for the purpose of humor and joking. I just found the site and thought it funny that an illiterate ass was bashing someone else.
why do american's sew canada flags on their backpacks when travelling ???
its because its a proven fact that people in other countries have more respect and find canadians more inviting and polite than americans
I was just going to say that! I like cannookland cause It gives me the ability to actually bo go to other countries. Plus, They make really good beer.And there french women are really hot.
What's funny is seeing all of your american sports teams come to Canadian and get totally shit faced off of a couple of our beers because they are used to that watery crap that you guys brew ;) . We could drink your asses under the table. lol
Well, if ya want to talk about drinking you need to come hang out in germany and you'll learn firsthand what dirnking really is.
That was quite an article. Now that I think of it, that is true that when we had those four hurricanes last year, there was no outside help that I heard of. Interesting.....