another dumbshit at the gym today...



well another guy talked to me about gear today at the gym. it was about 3pm, just starting to get busy with the younger crowd and this guy who has been trying to get me into powerlifting walks up to me. in front of 2 girls my age and an older guy he grabs my right tricep and says, "y'know, when you stick the needle in it has to be in a big muscle like your glutes so you dont hit a blood vessel. it hurts like shit when you hit a blood vessel...but i guess i dont have to tell you that, do i...". i totally played it off like i had NO clue what he was talking about, but i got weird ass looks from all 3 of those people around me. if i get fired or some shit like that for some dumbfuck running his mouth when he shouldn't i'd be pissed. i am honestly dumbfounded when i see how open and just plain stupid people are about talking about this shit right out in the open. i dont make jokes about aas or even bring it up around anyone but one or two people who know me well. how often does this happen to you guys? i have no clue why this seems to keep happening in this gym, its really beyond me.
What a jackass i woulda tweaked if someone was that out and out rude to me. Shoulda just said something like "whatever gets you to sleep at night buddy" and walked away.
SOme ppl are just assholes, next time he does something like that pull him aside and ask him what his problem is and tell him by him running his mouth about u, may be at risk of getting fired.....Some ppl need a fuckin clue
most people forget that gear is as illegal as crack.... So being accused of using is a very serious accusation.
I have this guy at work that everytime he see's me carrying a bag he says, "Watch out, you don't want to get stuck with a needle." He also calls me Balco.

I was in our managers office one time and he came in and said to my manager in front of me, "Don't you think there's someting wrong when you cant walk around without your arms sticking out and not be able to touch your sides?" (Thanks DC and those rack chins). But fuck this guy. He does do it in a joking manner but still...
I get this from a guy who works with my wife. He is at least a hundred pounds over weight and I want to ask him what the hell he knows about exercise.

But, I think the best response is to look somewhat confused and ask what he means. Though maybe a few fat cracks in response might shut him up faster.

However I do get a lot of folks who ask "what are you taking". I dunno what they really mean by this. But I respond with "creatine, glucosamine for my knees, and I eat as much as I can force down."

But if some asked like the bozo at the gym asked it, I would be tempted to respond with a comment that the right way to get muscle is to train hard and eat right (a comment that doesn't force you to lie). It sounds like you are using illegal drugs and if you don't want to be busted by one of the many cops who works out in this gym, you should really watch what you are saying.
You shoulda skull fucked him to death. On a brighter note i was asked by a kid who works out at my gym if i would mentor him (basically help him). But i def would hit that fucker for saying that shit.
What a dipshit. We can all tell when people are or aren't, but we know better than to mention anything about it--especially in the gym. Some people are just plain stupid.

That would have seriously pissed me off.

My cousin would openly talk about what i was doing while we were at the gym and finally had to give him the 'shut up or I'll kill you' speech. It worked.
I have never been asked or had anything implied around me, but I would sure as hell be pissed off if someone did that to me. What a stupid, stupid moron.
yeah dude....totally know how that works out dude....i hate it when people ask me shit like that or make little matter what or even how cool you play it still feel on the spot....always!
trainer at my gym told me he could see i was puttin on some serious mass. He started off saying it just adds up when u eat right but u gotta do it LEGAL. I just kinda looked at him like he was stupid, and said i try to eat like a horse and lift, put my headphones back on, then i walked off. Dont know what he thinks, really dont care.
yeah its not really a matter of what they think its what they know...if they dont know anything...let them think all that they want to think....i really could care less what anyone thinks...but i guaurantee that they wont know!!! cause i dont say sh@! about sh@!
some people think they know even when they dont. what this fuck doesn't know is that i haven't touched a needle in almost 6 months. shows what the fuck he knows.
There's a gym in my city that is known for having lots of "juicers".

I just stay away from that gym and either workout at home or a small locally owned gym away from the crowds.
Zylo said:
There's a gym in my city that is known for having lots of "juicers".

I just stay away from that gym and either workout at home or a small locally owned gym away from the crowds.
on one hand i like being in that sort of environment because it makes me train harder, but on the other hand i have been clean for a long time and it makes me want to get back on.
I don't have any gyms near me that i can think of where tons of people are juicing, I do have the odd few red puffy guys at my gym though, lol.
Chaps said:
I don't have any gyms near me that i can think of where tons of people are juicing, I do have the odd few red puffy guys at my gym though, lol.
you are lucky then, there's some big ass dudes around here that make me just want to run home crying, but they invite me to lift with them fairly often so it's all good.
I do have guys on juice at my gym just no one seems to know what they are doing, lol. I have one buddy that competes that knows his stuff but some of these guys just don't know their head from their asshole. I saw one guy the other day that MUST have been around 250lbs and now he looks like a scrony bitch, arms look like twigs etc. Keep in mind bro just because your off doesn't mean you can't make gains. Stuff your face use some CEE take a natural test booster, etc.