How not to do a cutter.


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
Hey guys, for those that are interested..... I just updated my online cycle.

please keep the fat jokes at bay.

well... where is it?? I havent gotten anything....

Anyone want to take a poke thats fine too....

I was also wondering if anyone else has gone through the same thing.... -I mean the energy loss...
Ill chime in here with ya big fella. Ive got less than a week left and didnt loose HALF as much fat as I would have hoped, but I did loose fat. I gained a lot of muscle though, Im thinking that is whats keeping my body weight up for sure. Usually when I diet down I get responses about how small Im getting and get asked if I quit lifting, this go round I got responses about how big I was getting. One thing I noticed was that my chest got smaller, I dont know if this is because of the fat loss or what, but chest size/strenght has went down the drain. Good luck with the DNP, be careful, I know nothing about the stuff, just that its hardcore.
Let me add this in too...... I think when you lift reguarly your body does not want to drop fat. Ive only done this once while getting ready for a physical assessment test. Quit lifting and focus on mostly cardio and diet. Its hard enough to focus on diet/cardio/weight training etc.... Yes of course you are going to loose muscle, maybe a little, maybe a lot. But I lost 8 lbs in a month from swimming/running only 2 miles a day and had what I would consider now a pathetic diet! When I got back at the weights I went all the way back up to my normal lifts in less than 3 weeks! Reason Im trying to loose now is because while on cycle over the fall I was on the 3 footlong subs a day diet which put on great strength but a lot of fat too.
Whoooooooo, i wouldnt drop lifting. You rnt going to raise your metabolic rate with cardio at all. You have to incorporate weights to raise your metabolism. Think about it when you do cardio, your heart rate is only raised for the period while your doing it but it rapidly drops after. When your doing weight training with intensity, your heart rate doesnt get as high (it could depending on what your doing) but it takes MUCH longer to drop back to its resting state. So dont drop weights. Dial in on your diet and everything will work out for ya.