Cycle Bridge Help


New member
I want to go ahead and start researching an upcoming gap. I think I have found my target lifestyle to be 5-9, 200-210lbs., with 7-10% BF. I am currently 197lbs. and I have no idea my bodyfat, I'll guesstimate its between 14-16%. Someone here who as seen pics may have a better idea of BF. Anyway I'm about 1/2 way through a 100/100, prop/tren ride. Money isn't really an object, relative safty is. Would HGH be a good choice right after a cycle or would something else be better / safer? Also do you guys think someone in their early 30's can maintain this target drug free after its reached? My natural and not lifting frame at 7-10% would be about 165lbs.
I have not seen your pics, but it is very difficult to maintain single digit BF without assistance. In addition, it is difficult on your entire system. IMHO, I think you need to reconsider bridging and focus more on refining your lifestyle - i.e modifying your diet annd changing your eating habits if you want to get close to your goals.
Thanks MMX. Here's a current pic. I've gained about 25lbs. in 7 months pretty much clean up until recently. My diet is ok as I've cut out all bad foods (no cheat days either). I do on the other hand have not the time or desire to eat, sleep, breath, a radical diet like it probably takes to really cut. Over the past 7 months I've been really happy with my steady progress. Mentally however I'm not sure if I'm prepared to keep lifting hard when / if I'm shrinking after a cycle. This is why I was thinking HGH. I'm getting closer to my target (200lbs. with 10%?BF) but just need about 8-10 more months of pushing to get there. After that I'm hoping a good diet and exercise will allow me to keep / maintain where I want to be. My system is fresh as I have pretty much no prior AAS use. I just really want to keep the gains coming after my "12-week ride" until I hit my goals. I know your really good in this game so your advice is greatly appreciated. I also know good advice when I hear it. Besides that whats your take on the sides and such of HGH to bridge cycles? Good idea or bad to keep the gains coming?
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You look possibly about 12-13% in that pic. Have you tried IGF-1 at all? A lot of guys have used that in-between cycles.
Tony, thanks. Never tried it. I've been reading on it and slin. Just can't seem to get solid evidence though. At first I was skeptical of IGF-1 simply because of its availability, but now I'm starting to see I can't go by that. Maybe I should try it before HGH?

If I am 13% now I think 10% would be a good look and lifestyle for me to work with. I'd like to go more than 200lbs. but I don't think it would be fesible to maintain completely drug free.

Here's my picture from 3 months ago after that Milk Mania. I just compared the two and can see I've lost some BF. I also weight the exact same now in the 2 pictures.
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That's some good progress. I'd certainly try IGF-1 before HGH. The cost difference alone is one factor. The other factor is that you have to be on HGH for at least 3-4 months before you start seeing results. With IGF-1, results are almost immediate in comparison.
I would definitely use the Igf. My bf went from 10% to 7.5% with one month of using 40mcg a day. There were no changes in diet or cardio. MC has the best.
IGF-1 at 40mcg a day for 30 days or GH at 4IUS a day for atleast 12 weeks. Slin at 10ius post-workout only would go well with the GH or IGF-1, that would certainly keep the gains coming.
bump for the IGF-1 advice. I'm on my second round and using 60 to 80mcg a day and gaining muscle and dropping body fat simultaneously... you won't need to stay at single digit BF all year long, just during bikini season ;)