another retarded question from SC!

After fiddling with a calculator for half an hour. I have come to realize I am mathmatically retarded! If my gear was 300mg/ml and all I wanted was a 250mg inject exactly what notch do I pull the syringe back to? I cant believe I can not figure this out.
A little pick y there huh? just make 6 equal marks on the syringe between the o and 1ml mark and go up to the 5th mark.........
uhh....why not jsut do the 300 and make it real math required
then i wont have enough test for 12 weeks if i ran 600/week i could only go 10 weeks if i ran 500/week i could go for 12... I thought we all agreed that longer is ALWAYS better.
yeah but u should always get a bit more than u need, uve got to account fot the amount that u cant get out at the end and the amoutnt that gets left in the pin each time u inject