Interleukin 15


New member

This is one of the newer drugs appearing on the bodybuilding scene that I would like to comment only briefly on. The human body produces several growth factors that are mediators and intermediates. In short this means they translate or decrease/increase the effect of hormones and other growth factors.

A study published in the Journal of Endocrinology in 1995 showed IL-15 doubled the rate of hypertrophy in skeletal muscle tissue. Interesting? Well the same study showed that stacking IL-15 with IGF-1 (insulin like growth factor-1; the stuff GH is converted into by the liver and other sites) increased muscular hypertrophy (excessive development/growth) by 500%. How is that for mediation?

I have known only a few athletes whom have utilized this stack, and to be honest, I have always believed (and seen that) freaks can be created even from those with below average genetics anyway. Yes, the results were amazing. The down side of IL-15 use is that lack of research. Some have speculated that IL-15 can trigger cancer cell growth. However, available research has not shown a connection between IL-15 and organ growth as of yet. I will not, at this point, explain reported cycles or use. There is not enough research as of yet concerning possible negative side effects. However as more research becomes available, you can bet I will be happy to share the reported results.

*A note of serious interest. There is also an Interleukin-6. DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! It is used by AIDS patients as an immunocytochemical. This means it modulates an immune reaction to infection. It creates an inflammatory reaction and very high cortisol levels while suppressing IGF-1 and Androgen levels. So do not chase AIDS victims around asking for some. They have enough problems to deal with.

by Author L. Rea
I've heard bits and pieces about this. It seems to be like IGFR3 was when it first came about. I'm sure within a year or less it will be mainstream.
i've heard a fair amount about it. but i'm not about to experiment with something like this on my own. i would definately wait for a while and learn from other's mistakes.
Well, first off, interleukin anything, 1, 2, 15, whatever, are antibodies. While IL-15 may have an effect on hypertrophy, after medium to long use, it could cause the body to essentially attack its own tissues--not good. You have to be extremely careful with antibodies. They are not meant as a long term solution to anything. I'm with Flexmaster--wait and learn from others. I would want as much research done as possible on this stuff.