is something wrong with me?



First of all this is not pink eye. I have had that b4 and it only effects the white part of your eyes. This is weird. If I pulled down my lower eyelids they are blood red. If I look all the way to my right or to my left you can see this blood red color where that little muscle inside the corner of my eye toward the bridge of my nose. I tried putting some ice because that will usually make it go away when you pop a blood vessel. Since the ice will shrink it. I did that and my lower eyelids turn to a normal pink color. A few minutes later though. They turned blood red again. Anyone have anything like this happen to them?
do you breath properly when you lift or do you hold your breath when you exert your self. Thats why its common many people do that. your concentrating on the lift you dont breath right.
You prob strained a blood vessel in there...
When I was boxing I used to get these burst blood vessels in my eyes all the time..
The doc said it was from straining to hard when your heart rate is high..
There is an actual name for it... Hyphema & Or Sub-conjunctival haemorrhage I think...
Maybe thats whats wrong...
shovel, I don't think its Hyphema bro, thats when you have a small amount of blood between the cornia and iris. I have blood in the corner of my eyes and inside the lower eyelids. hope it doesn't have anything to do with my brain or something serious like that.
I blew a blood vessle squatting like 10 years ago.... It had a weird itchy feeling...but when I looked in the mirror, I had a blotch of blood...
What's your blood pressure? If it is really high, you may want to get it down with some policosanol or something stronger.
You got me bro. I'd guess like everyone else. I got it once from throwing up off food poisoning.

I've also shit my pants when throwing up too.