After a break workout


New member
I am taking a month or so off to give my body a breather. I have been lifting hard for the last 2 years without more than 2-3 days off at any one time. I am looking for a good workout that I can use to ease back into the squats and deads. My routine now consists of basically the heavy basics, basically nothing fancier than a cable machine. I am maybe looking for some pre exhaust stuff, especially for back and shoulders, that will let me go lighter, but still crush em.
I don't have any injuries, and I'm up for anything. Most of this is for mental clarity. How many different ways can you shrug?
lee_marvin said:
I don't have any injuries, and I'm up for anything. Most of this is for mental clarity. How many different ways can you shrug?

Do em' with either dumbbells or a barbell in front or behind you.

Have you ever tried lunges with a barbell on your bacK or some nice heavy dumbbells at your sides. Those will put your legs to work hardcore if you do em' right. I always take the barbell outside and lunge across my lawn because there just isn't enough room in the house!
Zylo said:
Do em' with either dumbbells or a barbell in front or behind you.

Have you ever tried lunges with a barbell on your bacK or some nice heavy dumbbells at your sides. Those will put your legs to work hardcore if you do em' right. I always take the barbell outside and lunge across my lawn because there just isn't enough room in the house!

also try seated incline dumbell shrugs. And side step lunges....these are 2 good variations of the same nature
Right on. I've been looking through the Encyclopedia OMB, and I think I'm going to use supersets for most of my first two exersizes. My weak points are shoulders, calves and lats, so I'm going to focus on those areas (those being the first hit after an off day on a typical 2 on 1 off split). Gonna try some old school "chin to 50 reps" as well as dumbell leg curls (I've never hung with these, this time I will give my best effort)
Taking a break has already provided me with a lot more mental clarity, and it has only been 6 days since I was in the gym. I doubt I will last long, but at least now I have some good ideas to keep me entertained when I do go back.
If it has been that long since you've taken a real break, then this one should do you lots of good. It is during the rest periods that the muscle grows. Everyone recommends that for every few weeks (depending on how you feel), you should take 4-7 days off to let your body recouperate.
Yeah, i def agree with tonykemp. Every 10 weeks or so I take it easy for about a week or even 2 and lower the weight and give my body a chance to recoop from thebeating it took.