Everyone, Discussion on aging and thyroid! Please give some feedback?


New member
Ok guys, i got to thinking the other day..... we all know there is hormone replacement therapy for women, and not its becoming popular with men.... so why not thyroid replacement therapy? For us ageing bodybuilders, not of us can eat like we used to at 16 and 18 years old? Am i just talking crazy here, but whats wrong with taking thyroid hormone as you get older... not for a low thyroid, but too keep it elevated as we age. Also look at the different genetic make up of us all. I mean isnt it much of the norm to see someone who can gain muscle easily, but has to eat such low calories to get ripped, then the other guy cant put on muscle, and is eating everyting in site, pizza, ice cream, etc to keep weight and always ripped?? Whats the deal? I would like to have to people get there metabolic rate tested and see how many calories there burning at rest. If thats the case, could we not all take enough thyroid hormone to speed ours up to that level? yes i know it would burn muscle, but would it work? Anyways, maybe theres more to it than just the metabolic rate, but rarely do you see someone who is natural and has to eat 6000 calories a day to keep there weight and can put on muscle easy? What do you guys think?? Maybe I was just to bored and thinking to much today?


Also do any of you believe in thyroid hormone replacment therapy as we age?
Ive seen people in Thyroid for life and for some reason it doesnt do jack after a certain amount of time on it and there seems to be a "Place of no return" where if you had any normal production at all it remains shot......I have two family members who are former bodybuilders on thyroid for life and cant lose a pound on a starvation diet....Thyroid meds are what ultimately ended there BB careers as they could no longer recover.......

There are factors such as genetics, abuse, etc that have to be weighed in........but if I was to use one hormone for life and health it would be growth hormone or a combination of low dose test and growth.
Well, dosages and constant medical monitoring play roles in replacement therapy.....Id consider thyroid if I was abnormally low........However I think I would consider other avenues like anabolics, IGF and growth as ways to boost my metabolic rate before thyroid meds.

Everything comes with risk.