Question for BigA about DC-style programs..


There are a lot of similarities between your sticky post and DoggCrapp's training techniques. Simiar extended negatives, similar three day splits, same increase weight/reps each different workout, etc.

One big difference is you only do one workset of about 6 reps. Where as someone in DC's program would probably do for most exercises 3 actual worksets rest paused out to be about 15, each set to failure (example, 7, 4, 2= 13). What your saying is the second and third set (4 and 2) is just wasting "recovery ability?"

Obviously as you posted in the title, what I was reading was 'beginer to intermediate,' so perhaps the added sets is for someone advanced?

Other than my questions above, what is your overall impressions of his workout methods?

If you're not familar with DC's stuff, please forgive me in advance.
Bump! Always like to hear input on training stlyes especially since I will be using DC training style in the upcoming months.
The reason why I called my thread 'Beginners' is because a lot of people that don't consider themselves beginners would get offended.
But that is the training style I complete adhere to. As a matter of fact, the training program there is EXACTLY my routine.
I have been training this exact same way for 6 years before I turned pro and ever since as well.

I have never actually read any of the DC principles, but from what I gather from people, it is similar to my style.

I do believe the 7-4-2 sets could be used occasionally, but if used regularly, could pose recover problems for most people.
In a true DC style workou, you're hitting each bodypart 2 times in ~8 days. Almost twice a week! That was so different than anything I've ever heard.

For all to know, I trained under him last summer. Weight/strength gains were incredible. I didn't stick with it entirely after I was out of his program because I started playing semi-pro ball and the two interfered tremendously.

I highly recomend anyone to see what DC is about. From what you get from BigA, they're similar. Why not train like a pro?
I also used a DC style routine for a good 4 months. The strength gains were incredible! Size came along too, just not = to the strength. Incline Press went up 30lbs in 4 months.

Probably starting in October or November, I'm going to give Big A's routine a try.