BS article in Rolling stone


New member
Sorry I don't usually post here, but I had to vent somewhere. OMFG Rolling Stone had a big article this month about some dickhead from Mass. who was 1.a drunk 2.on cocaine. 3. on speed 4. carried around guns with him and 5. on AAS.
Anyway to make a long not too interesting story short, this total waste of life went from a bar to his friends house and shot him to death. Anyway guess which thing that this jerkoff was doing got highlighted the most in the story? You guessed it AAS! The route of all evil. The dumb m-fer and his parents blamed the murder on him coming off cycle. Yeah right, jerk, how about the nose candy? and the six pack of beer. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.
God forbid we actually blame alcohol for anything bad that happens in the world. I mean, jeez... I've never gotten drunk and beat the fuck out of someone [sarcasm]
never met a bigger dick than a coke or speed head coming down.

writers like that make us all take what we read with a grain of salt.
We have seen alot of highlighted articles, especially once that involves multiple items and AAS is involved then you bet..AAS is the major news break
This is becoming a modern-day witch hunt. With all the other s@#$ this guy had going on, the AAS becomes the focus. It is a farce and just another attempt to mud sling at our little understood lifestyle.
I was going to add my .02 cents worth immediately, but then realized I needed to cool off. I get so mad when stuff like this happens. I can't believe they would single out the AAS and not say _anything_ about the alcohol and cocaine! It's always the media that causes the problems......makes me so mad....okay, breathe...1...2...3...