gyno question


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
hey guys on second week of sd cycle at 20 mg's. dont really think this is serious at all just really freaks me out anything that has to do with bitch tits lol. but i noticed a little puffyness in my right nip but it went away nothing really new is this something to worry about or start taking some anti e's for? or should i just monitor and go from there prob jumping to conclusion. And if you think i should start i got nolva, rebound which one i know nolva would prob be best but at what dosage just to keep est. away thanks a ton bros.

well homey....what is SD for that a pro hormone? but anyways if you have consistant puffyness in your nips i would use 10mg of nolva a day until the problems subside.....i have noticed that for some reason that i cant explain that when i have used pro h's i have had a horrible estrogen rebound everytime.....even after a pct i have had issues with gyno.....i think PH's are nasty and reap far worse effects than the true chems......but make sure you catch the symptoms of gyno early...if they itch, tingle, hard frequently, tender or feel knots then get on the nolva ASAP but if the problem is non existant as you say then dont worry about it. Make sure you have you nolva or Anti E handy just in case...what does you PCT look like brudda? how long is this cycle? Little more info and we can help you out a bit more broham...

its superdrol sorry should have been more in depth cycle length is 3 weeks at 20 mg's ed. pct is looking right now nolva, rebound xt, zma that sound pretty good?
if its drol than its from PIG and you would need some dostinex. You would run .5mg E4days and that will fix ya right up.
is this an illegal supp or can i find it by searching im very limited in knowledge about dostinex.
fonz...its not real drol its a ph...sledge had on his line at designersupps and i think some othe company makes it now.....its a post ban supp too....i dont know if he is just being to worried about it or if its actually gyno....its not the real drol tho
Awwwww, thanks for that tidbit of info bud. It could very well be gyno b/c ph's imho are crap. You get the sides and not the gains.
Yeah, at his age, he shouldn't worry about using that stuff anyway. Diet is the most important factor.