front squats


New member
do any of you guys do these on a regular basis. i read in MD that they are better than regular ones. i do regular squats every week, ussually work up to 405 and never get sore. wednesday i figured id do fronts for a change. i did a couple warm ups and a work set at 275. i did one more lite set to finish up. my legs got so god damn sore i could not beleive it. my legs have never been this sore. its all in the front too. with regular ones you feel it in your hams and ass more. not with these. completley amazing. i am going to do these from now on. for everyone who has never done them, give them a try, you will be amazed (and sore).
I can never get the bar grip down. How the hell is it done? I tried to do it on Smith because I am not used to it but I could not unlock the friggin bar.
just grab the bar and bend your elbows up in front of you. The bar itself should be resting on top of your chest. Should be fairly easy on a smith machine.
keep your arms up in front of you and sort of rest the bar on your front delts and your arms should be croswsed to hold the bar. try it with the bar first just to get the right grip and motion. you dont need nearly as much weight. it does stress your lower back though. i think it would be dificult on the smith because like you said you cant turn the bar
I used to do these long ago...It just never felt that comfortable having the weight rest on my delts like it does, and if you go to heavy you end up bruised. Not horribly but I would rather regular squats or use the hack squat machine.
ive used all of them and they dont even compare. after 1 set of 135 your legs get this pump thats just unbeleivable. you really dont have to use that much weight to get the same effect.
jth250 said:
keep your arms up in front of you and sort of rest the bar on your front delts and your arms should be croswsed to hold the bar. try it with the bar first just to get the right grip and motion. you dont need nearly as much weight. it does stress your lower back though. i think it would be dificult on the smith because like you said you cant turn the bar

I cross my arms over and keep the elbows up. If you don't you have a tendency to lose balance and come forward.
i love them i always use the smith on them most of the time i just have my partner unlock if for me works great legs get sore as shit from them :>