
As most of you know Im struggling right now with flu symptoms and a throbbing calve from an inject. on Monday. My calve is a little swollen and I cant flex it AT ALL, it just will not flex, like the muscle is paralyzed or something, really weird. Now Im sick. Im sure the inject. has everything to do with my calve, but how does it correlate to my illness? I know someone has been down this road before! I think it was Flexmaster who posted a LONG TIME ago about some Rx you could get to fight off infections. Any help would be great cause Im really getting worried now!
Just got back from Solantic Urgent Care (kind of like a mini E.R.) told the Doc what was up (rose bush, thorn story). He said it was most definitely a bacterial infection in my leg, hooked me up with some Rx Cephalexin and said it will go away in a few days. We will see how it goes.
Smart move Bro. Remember to drink lots of fluid with Antibiotics. Let us know how you make out.
That really sucks, bro, hope you get better. Keep us posted.
Ok Just got back from Alabama.... latest news is... The flu symptoms are gone but my calve still hurts and is swollen. Ive been taking the medication and it hasnt went down any.... now what?
Is the redness and warmth gone? I take it the fever is gone which is a good thing. You may want to ice it off and on throughout the day. It's going to take some time before your 100% and be sure to finish all the medication. Don't stop taking it if you think your better. Take it all.
1cc of BD Test E and .5cc of UG Eq.... Ive been using both for a long time so I KNOW neither are "unsterile". I just really dont know what went wrong this time, but it aint fun!
Well acedamediphine should dwell the swelling. Otherwise, you sure got yourself into a world of shit. What did you find the needle you used on the Jersey Shore bro? Oh, well, you'll be back in the gym. At least it isnt turning green on you!
Yeah my friends keep messing with me, telling me that they are going to amputaute my leg. They are going to start a parrot fund and buy me a peg leg, eye patch, and a hook hand! Just in time for halloween I guess. I just really wish that this crap will go away. I have WAY too much gear sitting around to be out of commission like this.
Southern and I have been keeping in contact after our PM's back and forth.

He didn't wasnt me to saying anything because he felt embarrased but I tried to reason w/ him. He said if anyone wanted to know or asked for an update to go ahead and say...

He did have to have his leg amputated. They did it right above the knee. He's in good condition, still in the hospital. Dr. Kenneth Coppa did the surgery succesfully in a little more than 3 hours.

I'm just bsing, sorry if I had you going. Bump for a real update.
jay you fucking asshole,loll, i was like all depressed ANDS SHIT,LOL, PRICK