Weak ass day pumping Irene!

Glen Whitestone

New member
I once saw a porno called Pumping Irene most likey named after Pumping Iron! Well my problem is that I went to the gym today and had a totally weak ass day. I could not even come close to my max so I quit. I went for the usual 6 reps after the warmups and got a 3! Maybe my natural creatine was not there because I was boozing last night or the fact that I was working on painting my house, washing the car and weed pulling today? Not a good pre-workout phase. Anyway, I am heartbroken, will repeat the legs tomorrow and have to go strait to chest, bi's and tri's the next day. I feel like a total failure!
everyone has bad days, everyone. You have to work through them and just get the most out of your workout. The booze and all the shit earlier in the day prolly made it a bad day. Don't even think twice about it. Also, if you need a day off and it's a workout day, take it. It's better to do that then to overwork/train
Looks like you just need to take some time off. Everyone has those kind of days.
I like to do my workouts in the morning when I'm fresh.Also test levels are highest in the morning time not long after you wake up.
not the end of the world take a few days (yeah that's right a few days)
off and give your mind and body a break or you could be overtraining and that could lead to a quick burn out
Perhaps it was the booze, or the illegal gambling or the lusting? Whatever it was it must have been temporary. I only did 3 weak sets of squats Sunday. Monday I went back, day of rest in my, full of nutritional food and creatine and blasted my quads reaching a new plateau. So, now I feel better, no longer hanging my head and good to go.