Quality online pharmacy?


New member
Where are some good online pharmacy's? I want my dog to start getting more lean muscle. Is there any place online that you guys have delt with or recommend?
Think of it this way. If you post an online pharm and someone see's the thread , orders and gets scammed......then we have people bitching and questioning our credibility. Now if they find something on there own or via private emails thats there business but the site wont be resposible for people getting ripped off.
fyi cobra, when it comes to online pharmacy which is usually overseas. there is a much greater chance of getting ripped off, your gear confiscated and even busted if its alot. go to your gym and ask around but don't be dumb about it either. i would stick with a local source.
If an online order is you're only option just google what you are looking for you should get tons of crap, weed through it to get som good stuff.