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have any of you guys ever used this. im trying everything i can think of. its only my back. its not covered its just a few of big ones that move around my back. ive never had any trouble with this before. ive been off for a while now and just startin up prop. any advice would be great
Tanning helps a lot for me - it helps prevent things and it makes the zits less obvious (if you are white) since instead of red on white, it is red on tan.

Topical lotions helped a bit for me as well. But you can't slather your whole body in them, though it does help for the face.

I found accutane to be helpful, but not perfect. I know some folks who took it and everything went away. For me, it was the best thing out there (which it is). Just get your liver values tested.

It makes you sensative to sun, but I didn'thave a problem taking a low dose of accutane.
It isn't hard for males to get a script for accutane, though it depends on how bad your acne really is--every doctor is different. I've never heard of anyone getting truly depressed on it, only some disappointment during the initial few weeks when the acne seems to actually increase a bit before clearing up. If anyone has become depressed, it's probably from that, but they usually cheer up because the acne does clear up by the end.
its not like i have it really bad. i just get a few here and there on my back. but there not like regular pimples. they are kind of big and red. they dont get white and they rarly pop. i end up making them worse by tryin to pop them. ive never had this before. i dont know what its from
I have used accutane. It dries you out SOO bad, Not just your skin but your lips, eyes, everything. Especially during winter months. I would not unless it was a neccessity.
I have used accutane in the past and became very depressed on the stuff, even thoughts of sucide. I did not know that was a side effect of the drug. I ended up going to the doctor and getting put on effoxor just to bring my seritonin levels back up. However it does do the job of clearing up acne, just pay attention of the signs and maybe have friends or relatives monitor your behavior. Start with 20mg and work your way up 10mg every week maximum dose should not exceed 60mg.
accutance will bring out every pimple out
my buddy did it; it worked but he looked horrible for a few months
try rubbing alcohol on your back and tanning without lotion
Accutane can cause depression, but I heard a Doc comment that Acne can also cause depression. His perspective (and this is his specialty) was that you need to monitor how the person is feeling, but if the acne is bad enough to need accutane, then the trade offs are probably worth it (especially if the patient is young and a bit more sensative to how they look).

Dosage is weight dependent. In the UK, they prescribe less accutane for a longer period of time than in the US. Overall, they want you to consume the same amount.

If you are just trying to keep acne down while on gear, I know that many folks just use 20mg a day. That is different from a regular dose designed to get rid of acne for good.
one of the best things i have used are these small wipe clothes that contain 2% Salycic acid. They come in a small plastic pouch. If you have a girlfriend or someone at your home. Have them wipe your back with them. Even if you take a shower and scrub your back. You can actually see more dirt come of with those. They cost about $6 for like a pack of 50.
ive been using all of that shit and it doesnt seem to be working to good. how long are you soposed to take the accutane for??
Often you take accutane for 4-5 months. And it is primiarly for the nodular acne (the big nodules that don't pop), which is more difficult to treat.

Winter is the time to take it as you can get it all sorted out by summer.
those big bad boys are cystic acne and they won't respond to topical treatments you need to treat them from the inside by taking something such as Accutane, the other things you can do that always work is increase your good fats, flax, fish oil etc. and take Pantothenic Acid(B5) at 3 - 4 grams a day until symptoms improve and then 1 gram a day as a maintenance dose. The Pantothenic Acid really helps me while I'm on cycle and it's great...
awesome, im going to have to give that a try. can you get that at any rx or is it ordered??
my prescription is getting filled right now as we speack, so ill prob. end up starting it today. Ive had friends that have taken it and there are signs of depression, and dry lips and skin, and if your taken a multi vitamin that has vitamin A in it, then you have to stop taken that before you start up on the accutane, the Vitamin A increases the side-affect somehow...but pm me in a few weeks and ill tell you my exsperients with it so far...