Can protein go bad???


New member
My buddy has got a tub of nitro-tech thats a year old. He gave it to me and I wouldn't turn down free protein. You think it is still ok to take? Oh yea it smells like ass too.
It should have an expiration date or sell by date on it, right?

If not, smell it. If it smells funky, dump it. If it smells good to go, taste it. If it tastes funky throw it out.

Even if it's past the sell by date, I'd do the smell and taste thing.

Protein pwder is a food and foods go bad. Let us know how it goes...
absolutly. its mostly from milk and you know what happens to milk. theres different kinds too like egg, soy and so on. just go by the date
Yes, Protein Powder can go bad.

There should be an expiration date on the tub somewhere.

If in doubt, throw it out.