Calcium D-Glucarate and Estrogen



I've found a study on PUBMED that states that Calcium D-Glucarate is a substantce that seems to regulate estrogen levels in th body.

Also found another piece ( that states that Calcium D-Glucarate excretes exccess estrogen before it can be reabsorved.

If this is true, couldn't it be a good substance to take while on a PCT ?

Has anyone tried this product ? At which doses ?

Well, I'm be waiting for your opinions on the subject...
Interesting article. I've never heard of that form of calcium before. I found one place that carries it:

I would think that if it causes excess estrogen to be eliminated from the body, it would be great for PCT though there doesn't seem to be any data on how much is eliminated and at what dosage it would need to be effective to use for PCT. Maybe someone could try it and let us know how it goes.