prop injects


New member
where do you guys inj your prop. ive just been hittin my ass. i tried my quad once and it swelled up and turned all red for like a week. im scared to hit it agian. my glutes are gettin awefully tired of this. where else do you inj this. it would prolly kill in the delts??? im kinda afraid to put it anywhere but my glutes
that reminds me. ive never done eq before and im adding it in this run. is there any pain assossiated with the injects like prop?? or is it kind of painless like deca. its 300migs
QV prop is the most painful injection
i wouldnt even use that sh** again
some of the undergrounds arent too bad
i usually do shoulder inj
supermannpc said:
QV prop is the most painful injection
i wouldnt even use that sh** again
some of the undergrounds arent too bad
i usually do shoulder inj

QV prop 100mg/ml is probably one of the least painful props I've tried...I used to shoot it in my chest, quads, and glutes. It just takes a while to get used to the shots before the pain goes away. If you want a little pain 200 mg/ml shit is somewhat painful.
ill have to try my delts next. ive been a little nervous to hit them cause the pain in my ass. my glutes need a break though. ed inj suck. im already sick of them and its only the start of week 4. i planned on only starting my cycle with prop and running a longer ester all the way through but i cant due to a prob with the cyp
you can go EOD but thats more mgs in the shot....i always hit the glute....when i ran EQ in the same shot it was completely painless......but thats why i always run EQ with the prop.....prop shots are painful and parylizing lol
so you hit only the glutes with prop?? dont your cheeks get sore as hell. i hate stickin a pin into a muscle that is already sore
body2see said:
With a Quality Brand won't feel a thing...though I hear that the UG EQ hurts like a bastard

Word. I've never had a problem with EQ shooting it anywhere... I'm actually considering shooting pecs this go around...