

picked up some insulin. havnt used it before i know it can fuck u up so this is my plan i am going to do 5iu before breakfast 5 before lunch and 5 before workout. planning to eat a hostes apple pie before injections wait about 5 min after injection drink some oj and then some omeal or rice. i am going to do this 4 the first 3 weeks to see how i react to it. any input would be great.
ummm be careful is all make sure you know exactly and i mean exactly what you are doing
Personally, I've hit 20iu 2x daily and never had a problem. no need eating a hostess pie before the injection. Just keep it clean on the carbs and don't shoot before bed. Wait about 10 minutes after the injection and pound a Protein shake (at least 50gm) blended up with oatmeal (Amount depends on how many IU's u take). remember, a minimum 6 grams of carbs for each iu of slin. Keep the OJ near in case you feel dizzy.

Run with it. Slin is going to make a big difference for you. Don't get discouraged when you don't see results for the first couple of weeks. It takes about 2 weeks til you see the effects. then WOW! that's all I can tell u.
Logan, you may want to study up on the use of insulin a bit more before trying it. If you mess up with it, it can literally kill you. Just be careful.
i think 5iu 3x is a little bit high to start with. start light just to see how you react to it
Start off with 5iu with 50gr of maltodextrin and work your way up. There are some great insulin article out there if you look for them. The problem I see with injecting 3 times per day is that you should limit your fat intake for 4 hours after you inject and that is hard to do all day with 3 shots.