Get Legit Product.


New member
A little background on me:

142 lbs
7.2% bf
Occupation: Air Force UPT reciever (pilot)

And very eager to get into using IGF, my only problem is, all my gym hook-ups can only get steroids. How can I verify my source of IGF is legit. I have a link to a site, but was wondering if anyone knows anything about getting legit substance.

[don't post sources bro!]

I'm not asking for you to tell me your best friends name in order to get it, but could I have some assistance in finding a legit supplier.
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Does anyone know what is included in the Immense Growth Factor, sold here?
And since it is already in solution and pre mixed, will all I need are the insulin injection needles?
The immense growth factor is what you're looking for...Just think of the acronym for it: IGF

MC has the best prices on it and it's definitely legit. I'm about to start some up pretty soon myself.
Bro, just look over the board and other boards. Some of them have links to sources overseas where they (the sources) can advertise and not go to jail. Hell, maybe the board itself is overseas. Of course IGF isn't illegal, but there are some home brew places that will sell IGF as well as whatever you need for AAS.

I should ask why you want IGF? It usually helps folks drop some BF and gain LBM. You sound pretty lean to me. It won't add a lot of strength.
definitly look into getting it from here if you go through with it premixed and everything just plug and play if you will lol.
bump..MC's IGF is wha u need to use...if you're lookin to cut and add some LBM...alot of good reviews from it...