new cycle questions


what kind of results can one expect from 5 weeks of winny and deca
winny zambon every other day and deca 300 twice a week, also what if any supplements should one take while on this, and what nutrition and training routine do you fell would render the best results for example high protein low carb and doing heay weight and low reps or what. all opinions are welcome and appreciated
personally i would not run deca with winny, especially with the diet you want to follow. I assume you want to be on a cutting cycle and since Deca tends to make you retain water, this is not the choice i would go with. Also, i would run deca for a minimum of 10 weeks since it takes almost 5 weeks to fully kick in. I would replace that Deca with either test prop, tren acetate, or even EQ if you run it 10-16 weeks.
i couldnt agree more with vrocks but i did talk with cogz yesterday at lunch, he's a confused soul who needs a little guidance,lol, just kidding bro, test test test and if that doesnt work give up,lol,
cogz66 said:
what kind of results can one expect from 5 weeks of winny and deca
winny zambon every other day and deca 300 twice a week, also what if any supplements should one take while on this, and what nutrition and training routine do you fell would render the best results for example high protein low carb and doing heay weight and low reps or what. all opinions are welcome and appreciated

to answer your question your results will be horrible, 5 weeks is going to get you very little with those compounds and Winny has a very short half life so you need to shoot it, drink it or swallow it everyday for good results. These replies are smart, add in a test at least 400mg a week and run it for more like 10 weeks and you'll be golden.

Personally I like running EQ and Winny together and I get great results, quality muscle, low sides and easy to keep with PCT. Speaking of which have you done any research on Post Cycle Therapy yet?

Post up your stats and we'll help you out bro,
6 feet tall, between 290 and 300, last time i di my body fat was like three months ago and it was about 22%, looking to stay stong and get more muscular and drop some body fat, i really do not mind the scale, it is more about the look, any types on workout and nutrion would be helpful as well
cogz66 said:
6 feet tall, between 290 and 300, last time i di my body fat was like three months ago and it was about 22%, looking to stay stong and get more muscular and drop some body fat, i really do not mind the scale, it is more about the look, any types on workout and nutrion would be helpful as well

well for one stop going to lunch and Mother fucking Fudruckers,lol
I would diet down before starting a cycle. Just my 2 ccs.
should i try to go low carb two days and one day high carbs and do that for a while and what exactly is low carb 100 grams or lower, or less then 20 grams