What is in Anti-p??

anti-p? are you talking about progesterone?
corn meal? Please enlighten us with a more detailed question as it would be advantageous to your endeavor of receiving an appropriate answer.
lol come on guys give him a break, remember we want more bros coming in than going out.

If you are asking what is anti-progesterone. Here is a quick answer, there are two reason why you would get gyno(bitch tits). Depending on the steroid there is progensterone induced gyno and estrogen gyno. Most tests will cause estrogen induced gyno and deca,tren will cuase progesterone gyno. If you go to Muscle Chemistry store you can buy either one. Do some research on the steroids you are using to know which one you will need. good luck

Attention everyone BIll is A MEXICAN and Mike is a Samolian!
you jerk offs :D
TheElmo said:
lol come on guys give him a break, remember we want more bros coming in than going out.

If you are asking what is anti-progesterone. Here is a quick answer, there are two reason why you would get gyno(bitch tits). Depending on the steroid there is progensterone induced gyno and estrogen gyno. Most tests will cause estrogen induced gyno and deca,tren will cuase progesterone gyno. If you go to Muscle Chemistry store you can buy either one. Do some research on the steroids you are using to know which one you will need. good luck

Attention everyone BIll is A MEXICAN and Mike is a Samolian!
you jerk offs :D

And you are a red furry ethopian.
BillTheButcher said:

English motherfucker do you speak it?

this is bullshit bro! Not everyone understand you and your humor and i will not have anyone talk to another member like this,
That is a popular line from a movie that everyone has seen. I guess it is ok for some asshole to flame me in the General Forum however when someone asks a question I need clarification on then I can't ask him to rephrase in a joking manner.
bro we took actualy i took care of the dud eflaming you did i not right away jump in and tell him it was fucked up, so no its not ok, and bro i personaly pmed you last week, you and I have 0 problems, but when other members pm me asking what YOUR problem is, I tell them you have to get to know the guy and that he means no harm from it, but if you dont know your popular phrase there was rude then you need to re-evaluate yourself,lol, again not everyone and I know i wouldnt like the 1st answer to my question be it vague or not to be "DO YOU SPEAK ENGLISH MOTHERFUCKER"
Ok now make me a Site Rep and stop posting pics of you in your underwear. And no I won't send you a naked pic of myself Presser, I am straight.

So for this question, he needs to expand it.

Sorry bro, I was kidding with you. Presseratops gets moody when he doesn't have his Captain Crunch.
By the way Presser I still love you in a non-homo sort of way. Kind of like I love you like a fat kid loves cake.
I got the quote and my first reply added to it, it's from Pulp Fiction. I then tried to follow it up with asking some questions to help answer his question but I see your point Presser.
What a fucking prick......Site rep? for what to clean the board out? I see you keep posting valuable prejudice info we all need to know.
Cyphon said:
What a fucking prick......Site rep? for what to clean the board out? I see you keep posting valuable prejudice info we all need to know.

When was the last time you posted Mr. Site Rep. I never see you post. Do you get humor? Do you laugh ever.

Go back to Undergroundfreakz and hide for another month.
Dick ive been on the boards for 8 years + I have nothing to prove. Youre the peice of shit thats running members off. 700 Bullshit post's.......what a worthless peice of shit.........Go look in UGFFL and see My stickies and other post's.

Site rep? More like site Chimp. Hows that title for you. You little insecure dickless bitch.
Cyphon said:
Dick ive been on the boards for 8 years + I have nothing to prove. Youre the peice of shit thats running members off. 700 Bullshit post's.......what a worthless peice of shit.........Go look in UGFFL and see My stickies and other post's.

Site rep? More like site Chimp. Hows that title for you. You little insecure dickless bitch.

Yeah all bullshit huh? What do you do copy and paste? Copy and paste? I see your are so intelligent that you have to resort to calling me names.

By the way dickless I am not the one who hides my location and profile. Orlando, Florida. 20 North Orange Ave. Whenever you can afford a ticket come see me and I will show you who is worthless.
Cyphon said:
I apologize to all for this jackass. Obviously daddy didnt give him enough attention.

Right about that, he was too busy working and taking care of his family. And say one more thing about my father or grandfather and I will personally hunt you down and rip your throat out.

The Marines may be tough but I have yet seen one face a pyschotic sociopath who often wonders what it would be like to stalk a fat pussy like yourself and gut you with a rusty screwdriver.