does anyone else hate John Bastow?


MuscleChemistry Registered Member
He sells those american fitness made easy video's.

I've always hated this dude. I hate how he flexs his abs while he talks. I hate his stupid fag hair- makes his head look really big on his/ little tiny body. And now he has dyed it! So he even looks more like a fag.

Anyway, I hope im not the only one on this.

He's coming here soon. He's "signing autographs" lol!! ... I might be going to jail when I pound his stupid head in.
Nice, yes he looks like his head does not fit his body. He looks like a dork. The highlights are totally gay dude. Highlights went out of style and the part, the part went out of style about 12 years ago my friends. But I like the tv adds for a good laugh.
He's on tv all the time. He has these stupid video's that he's trying to sell. I hate it cause he's almost on every cable channel and you have to look at his stupid ass like every 15 minutes.
John Bastow is probably laughing all the way to the bank and has 10x more money than me but damn, no way in hell would l want to look like the f-cking pencilneck he surely is!

Yeh, You think they are implants??? I wonder how many folks (dudes) across America there are out there with implants-any muscle for cosmetic porpose, for real? I pitty the fool who gets implants. They are for victims of illnesses, accidents and chicks tits ONLY!
Im not sure who this pencil neck you guys are talking about here. But do you know who I really hate, is that guy, he has a sort of Afro , and in the 70's and 80's he did some stupid workout video. I hate to see him. Hes this softy in shorts and a sleeveless.. Made my eyes bleed when I saw this thing on tv.

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lol...yeah, that guy is a fag. He looks strange. He weighs like a buck 40 with big abs. He's one of those guys who does thousands of sit ups a day and that's it. lol.
He hunches his back so he can flex his abs when he talks. He looks like a dog thats getting ready to crap when he does that. A geek will always be a geek! Yeah I agree he does look like a HOMO with his new hair color. lol