what kind of supplement increase libido??

i know,but after pct my libido kinda low.everything is normal.but i don't feel horny.any supplement can boost it?
hongkongguy said:
i know,but after pct my libido kinda low.everything is normal.but i don't feel horny.any supplement can boost it?

only time bro...and alot of porn
hongkongguy said:
i know,but after pct my libido kinda low.everything is normal.but i don't feel horny.any supplement can boost it?

I was in the same boat bro but I started Tribulus right before I went onto PCT and it made a huge difference this time around. I only had a few days of very low drive and a week at best of moderate to low drive and now back to normal ;) still taking the Tribulus to make sure I don't drop again and to keep Test up but probably don't need it anymore. Found that I'm still as strong as I was on cycle and I've only lost 1 pound since!