bd hcg amp?



sorry, I forgot to include this question in my last thread. If i have an amp that contains 10,000ius how the hell do I store that in the fried once its mix. I was thinking of using a 23g 1" pin and keeping it in the fridge. Then some how use a slin pin to draw from the bigger pin. Does any one here have better suggestions to this? I also have a 10ml vial of hcg from loefer. But it expired feb or 06 so not sure if it can be used or just stick with the amp I ordered from BD
the expiration dates are generally just a guide so you're probably OK, why don't you just order a sterile syringe and stopper from wherever you get your pins?
Waterbased products normally expire on the date so the HCG may be dead now. I mix up my HCG with bacteriostic water and load it into a few slin pins and use 500 i.u. e.o.d. for a little boost mid cycle