Just wanting to know if possible

My educated guess to your question is no. 100 lbs on your bench press in a year would be very good but would take a lot of dedication. I'm not saying it's not possible, but the way you are calculating your #'s assumes you won't reach any plateaus. I'll explain it this way. Yes, it's possible to add say 20 lbs to your bench in 10 weeks, but to keep that up at a consistent pace isn't going to happen. That would be like saying ok I'm benching 200lbs right now and am going to increase my bench by 20 lbs every 10 weeks. That's 100lbs a year. So in 6 years you'll be benching 800....8 years benching 1,000....etc. The pace doesn't stay consistent. To acheive big goals, set smaller ones and continue to reach those.
maybe bro....It's possible to put on 100lbs in a year possibly a little longer I never really tracked the time frame. I have, but it's very hard and you have to be consistent. It was never really a goal of mine...it just happened.

More importantly though...What's that big bench press going to do for you? Get you chicks, make you better at your sport of choice, gain you money? Or are you trying to compete....because if not I wouldn't put so much emphasis on some big guns or a some big numbers. Workout to look good, stay healthy, and improve your athletics. Doing it just to impress people or to fill an otherwise empty whole in your life is just not healthy...Possibly even dangerous when you're doing stuff to force up these numbers that just wont improve your life more than slow and steady growing would.
I didn't say it wasn't possible, I'm just saying the goals you set would be very difficult to acheive. When I was at 200lbs it took me nearly 3 years to increase to a 300lb bench (doing things naturally, which I'm assuming you will be too). It's "possible" with the proper diet and rest, everyone is different. I would personally worry about your 10-12 week goal first then work from there. You will eventually hit plateaus and theres many ways to break out of them....switch exercises, change the weight %, tweak your diet, rest more, etc.