Boxing... this sucks though...

You have to make your mind up malic. Your right, the two dont exactly fit together. But, thats not to say that if you started boxing you cant do powerlifting later. Personally, I think boxing would be a lot healthier for you. -Plus, you can still add a lot of size/strength while your boxing.. that will just add to whatever you want to do later.
what is your ultimate goal little bro? do you just want to be able to impress girls? get as big as you can and be a bodybuilder or do you want to be big and strong and have functional strength and play professional sports? Once you've made up your mind and decide what you want to do you can follow the right path but in the meantime you are ridiculously too young to be stressed out over it and you should do a little of everything until you find something you love and then follow that path... boxing would be much smarter for you to follow becuase you'll be physically fit and an all around athlete and you'll be able to kick ass and pick up chicks too
I agree with MS. Boxing would be cool and very different. Alot of guys lift weights, but few have the nerve to step on stage or in the ring. Set yourself apart and make it happen!!!
yeah go with the boxing-you can powertrain later if you still want...the great thing about boxing is once you get the balance and footwork down you'll have it the rest of your life-kinda like riding a bicycle, you have trained your nervous system
you might also want to think about getting the book The Tao of Jeet Kune Do by Bruce Lee he has a lot of good info in there for boxing and martial arts in general
Im with the rest of the fellas try boxing, i have done both stand up fighting (muay thai) and power lifting, both are good but the boxing is somthing that later on in life you might not have the time to do,wt lifting can be done in any gym, plus though you wont be able to lift as much i bet youl be able to still lift 3 or maybe 4 times a week, just find a good trainer and talk to him about what your doing. I have two great trainers that have set up programs that alway me to do both, i lift 4times a week and work on my stand up skills 3 times a week,, not going to make me a pro but it works pretty well fo me.