Training question

i mean, it seems very logical but i never have trained this way, i normally go two on one off and get great results. I also feel like this wouldnt be enough training even if you do go to compete failure on each day.
I've followed Big A's routine with good success but remember that post was for beginners as well. I think once you're a more advanced lifter your central nervous system recovers faster and the supps you're on will help as well. I run 5 or 6 days a week myself because you're not taxing your CNS the same as when you lift. So yes you can run Tuesday and Thursday
I believe that even the experienced can benefit from BigA's routine. I followed it myself and got through some plateaus. I think maybe we experienced lifters don't realize how much we really tax our CNS if you consider the weight we use and the inten_sity we train with. I notice that his routine is actually quite similar to the HST routine that I do now, which is probably why I gained from it, and I'm gaining even better now on the HST routine. I think people at my gym think I'm on steroids--oh wait, I am :) (well, HRT at least).
I believe that program is written for the genetically average male. An average male is the MOST COMMON lifter there is. Pros are the freaks, the rare ones.

Hard gainer is another word for it. Most of us are hard gainers. Pretty much ALL ectomorphs are. I'd even say alot of endomorphs are as well. They gain weight easy, but not muscle weight like they want.

most lifters, hard gainers, will get the best results off of his program of only 3 lifting days a week.
Big A is right. There is an author JOHN LITTLE who has several books on the subject. The late great Mike Mentzer had some outstanding material to read concerning the subjectas well. I personally only train 3 days a week at most. I noticed my lifts were going up when I went to fewer workouts aweek and more rest. As far as your running question, Yes you can do as much or as little cardio as you want to with out seriously hurting any muscle gains you make.
as long as your eating enough calories, you'll be able to do as much cardio as you can handle without worrying about any losses
eat plenty and like mike said you can do as much cardio as your heart desires till you run out of fuel just like in a car.
depending on if you're bulking hard and heavy or not of course... but I always do cardio no matter what my goals. Keeps your BP in check and keeps your heart healthy ;)