
problably the pussy part haha jk bro ive never had sore nuts except for the time i almost had a hurnia (SP?) bump this for anybody else i know every once in a while when i come off i feel a kinda light not hard shooting pain in them i think it kinda feels like there kickin back into gear if you will lol. But solid pain that you need a heating pad for ask a doc or bump for somebody else not sure bro.
Ah man, you're killing all those soldiers with all that heat! :D

let em live! let em live!

but seriously, how bad is the pain? I guess not too bad or you would probably be at the dr.
I have had this. Actually two of my football teammates too. I didn't think it was a common side effect but I guess it's a bit more widespread.\

For me, I would describe the pain as more of a lingering pain that you really feel when you make solid contact (like during bathing or some serious scratching).

It kind of feels like you got kicked in the nuts, more of a glancing blow, but the after effects, like the hour later feeling.

For one of my teammates, he described his pain to be even worse. I told him that it always passes within a couple of days (as it did for me), which looking back, I guess did for him too. I didn't hear anything more about it after I spoke with him.

It only happened to me a 1st few cycles, and not every cycle. I couldn't (now looking back) pinpoint if it was at the begining, middle or end of cycles. I do remember 1 bout of it during PCT though?

Anyone else?
Ive never had any soreness in my testes during cycle bro. I would check out whats goin on down there and make sure you don't feel any abnormalties man. Im not sure of youre age but if youre in between 18 and 25 ( i knowe it starts younger and goes hight) youre at the highest risk of getting testicular cancer. Im sure that theres a 99.9% chance thats not it, but you gotta be safe and check them out next time youre in a warm shower.