shin splints


New member
Any suggestions for shin splints. I put on a solid 30 lbs over the summer and have tried to start running this past week and I can't a lap into it I can hardly walk.
I moved this into this forum so you can get more replies...

Are you currently on cycle? Shin Splints are tough on you especially when you've put on weight. I would recommend the first thing you do is go get yourself a new pair or Running Sneakers and use them only for running, the biggest mistake I see with new runners is they run in the same sneaks they go to the gym in everyday and the uppers look fine but the cushioning and midsole are completely shot so you have no support left. Use running shoes for running and wear cross trainers to the gym. running shoes are only good for about 300 miles or so and if you've put on that much weight in such a short time your stabilizing muscles haven't gotten a chance to catch up yet.

A good trick once you have them is to freeze some dixie cups with ice cream sticks or pencils in the center of the cup, you can then rub the ice on your shins holding onto the stick as a handle...

Stay extra hydrated and make sure you're taking a multi vitamin. Keep me posted and let me know if this helps.
it happens to me when i do alot of cardio
just do alot of stretching
when i played lacrosse they used to tape the side of my shin and that seemed to help some
get a small trash can that can fit your leg up to your nee fill it with water and ice and leave it in for 20 min. works real well

I am currently still on cycle running 600 mgs of test enanthate a week and will start stacking some equipoise in two weeks. Honestly I haven't run much since my post, I have since opted out for the elyptical and some intense biking. I have also began a good streching routine, working calves every other day, and I picked up some brand new sneaks. I should be alright, thanks for lookin out mike.
I got them really bad years ago. Heard they can actually turn into fractures, and break.

Only thing that fixes them unfortunatley is staying off them. Switch to stair master or better yet swimming, for about 6 months.
at my weight and height....lets just say im not a runner. Being an athlete i have to run more than i would like. Every season in college i have had to train up to a 9 mile run. Not trying to boast, but i have rather big legs and calves....naturally too. I can cut the weight off and my legs still stay really big. with all the muscle on my calves, it stresses the hell out of my shins when i run, mostly because my stride is so short.

the pump is horrible when i am on cycle. My shins feel like they are gonna pop because the muscle is so swollen. It passes after mile 2 but is hell until then.

submerging your whole leg in ice water is great, but is miserable as a mufucker....miserable! The dixie cups work great. I have never used the pencil, but instead just tore off the top of the of the cup like a roll of lifesavers.

ibupropen helps keep the inflamation down, but only a little. It's a bitch. Ice is the key here bro. stretch ice stretch ice.

they don't go away, they just get dealt with
good add tilla52.

I've been a runner and Coach for about 8 years now and I've run many marathons and adventure races so I know from experience that the biggest overlooked reason for shin splints is worn out sneakers. remember though at your new weight even if they are only a few hundred miles old that wearing them for other things is going to crush the cushioning and therefore put more stress on your shins when you run in them. Trust me, get yourself a new pair of running specific shoes and you'll feel like a new man.