Anyone had rotator cuff surgery?


New member
Bro's was wondering if anyone has had rotator cuff surgery? I have to have one done in 2 weeks! I was wondering what your experinces from it are?
How long did it take before you could train again? Does it leave a very visual scar? And did you feel the same after it was done? Like did you train as the same as before or did you have to favor it sometimes? Just need to know! This very hard for me right now. I had shoulder scoped in June from a QUAK doctor. When we did it he fucked up so bad that the shoulder got worse. He ripped the rotator cuff when he went in to scope but he will not admit it. I had MRI on Thursday and my new Doctor said that he messed up bad and went in the wrong way. He put the tear in there when he went from the back to scope. I have not worked out since May and I'm turning into a fat ass not being able to train. The fucken pain is so bad on this right now I have to take 2 oxy-cotin 20mgs a day. And can't sleep on my left shoulder either. What do you think should I sue the fucken QUAK? He also left some bone dust in part of my arm when he had to remove a bone spur in the shoulder too. Now down by my forearm I have a piece of bone that has grown into the shape of a hersey's kiss and is sticking out of my skin(no shit).
I mean it is still under the skin but when the new doctor x-rayed it he showed me and said that this is the funniest piece of bone he has seen. NICE

So sorry for the novel but just need to know if anyone has had surgery on that. And if there are any laywers on this site let me know if I have a good case for malpractice. It's the least I could do to the fucker seeing as though he defoarmed my arm and shoulder and has taken away one of my greatest highs I have ever gotten when I work out. Any help would be great bro's MM :nope:
i had to get opened up no scope took out a piece of bone that pulled off my humerus from my subscap it tore completely had to fasten it back down i was out for 5 months now i have about a 6 inch scar. My dad just had a scope done last thursday on his shoulder just cleaned up a bunch of shit in there where he abused it for 20 years.
Bro's thanks for all the good feedback! The surgery has to me done. The tear is so bad that when I try to do cardio or even lift the arm past my shoulder it feels like the whole arm becomes dislocated and sends a wicked pain down the arm and back of shoulder blade and then locks up. Like I said I have to use oxycotin (alot of it) just to make it threw the day. I have never had this much pain! And I have had 2 back surgery's also. This is the nastyest shit I have ever had. And the Quak is trying to tell me that it was all the years of gear and heavy lifting! WTF!!! It was'nt like that until needle dick did the scope. I know I should sue the bitch but malpractice is so hard to prove theses days. Not alot of laywers in my town will touch it! That is why iwas asking if anyone can also point me in the direction os someone in that field that they may have used. I think you bro's know how hard it is on the mind when we have to go off cycle but then have to not even be able to work out cuz some F_ckhead was in a hurry to get his next surgery out of the way so he could go play his 18 holes of golf and bang his nurse too. Sorry just alittle venting!!! Me mad!!!! Kong will be good monkey now! LOL........Thanks again guys I do love this board and all the good info and brother hood it stands for. Everyone here does a great job of watching eachothers backs. And that is very rare these days. With all the rats and crack heads out there. It's all good bro's MM
i say you should go ahead and go through with the surgery man if its just a scope it shouldnt be a too extensive surgery like i said my dad had his last week and isnt in a sling anymore and is moving it around on his own. if the pain is as bad as you say get it done its not worth living miserable trust me i did the same thing for 3 years before mine. Its still not 100% where it was before but a shitload better now i just have a torn bicep that they cannot repair well they can but theres about a 30% chance it will hold im bad luck ahha i would sue the fuck out of that doctor too. Stupid ass fucked you up thats his fault.
Hey! Thanks for all the replies bro's for MostMuscle. He has been threw some heavy shit since all this has happened! talk about dression!! He was the poster boy for sometime when all this went down. He would'nt even come out of the house, just to work! But would not hang out with us bro's and he is never seen with out a long sleve shirt on, that is how shitty he feels. Is self worth is down to 0%! i talk to him every day just to keep his sprits up! i mean here is a guy that looked like the prize winning bull at the fair for so many years and then this happened and his world fell apart with in weeks. So Fuck stick doctor promised him atleast 70% recovery to be normal and he was fine with that. He could hardly wait to get that first surgery done. And after he was healed now he can't even look at himself in the mirror with out a shirt off. The guy did'nt deserve it! He gave 110% in and out of the gym! He helped people out all the time when it came to training, supplements, gear......ect. He was the coolest guy in our gym and everyone looked up to him! He never had a bad word to say about anyone there or not there. This is one this I will never forget about this to this day. One of the members of the gym is in a wheel chair. Every time the guy need to be placed on a piece of equipment, MostMuscle would drop what he was doing and help the guy with the set and then get him back into his chair. Now MostMuscle won't even show his face in the gym that is how embaressed he is. He has dropped atleast 30 pounds and I know that it just kills him. All's I can say is I pray that this new doctor helps him get it back! Hang in there Most bro we are all pulling for you and can't wait to see you in the gym again bangging those plates again like the animal you are. Keep your head up and heal fast and it will all happen again for you. PEACE my brother from another mother. cool guy