Cycle Suggestions

what were his previous cycles dosages etc. i would say test e around 750 to a gram if hes a fan of deca throw that in there maybe some tren and kick it off with some dbol or drol. Hard to answer not knowing much about him.
How old is he?
Does he have pre-existing issues w/gyno?
Is there a reason you are considering drol instead of dbol?
Not everyone reacts favorably to drol.
I don't see why you need winny in the last 6 weeks.
Save that for the cut- you need to allow him some time after the bulk to get acclimated to new weight BEFORE you begin adding all the cardio and diet changes.
Lots of things to consider here before he dives in..
Thanks for the reply. IMHO, I would go with 50mg dbol split 25g over 2 dosages.
I would try drol on his subsequent cycle if he wants. This way he will have a comparision(apples to apples). We have to remember the oral is starter AS.
If you use drol and it does not work the way it is supposed to, then you will have to wait a while to see something with the test. Regardless which oral, make sure he begins Live52, r-ALA, etc BEFORE he begins to take the orals. As As you already know, none of this stuff will work if his diet is not in place- and I am not talking about Wendy's or fast food ....
for a bulker i would run the longer ester to be honest enan. your gonna bloat a little anyways from the deca so the test prop would be worthless in my opinion plus your kickstarting anyways so why not run a longer ester and even not inject as much.
I agree- I would go with cyp or enth. Prop requires EOD injections, and its a shorter ester.
I would also not recomend him running drol for longer than 3-4 weeks, it is pretty harsh on the ole liver 5omg ed for 3 or 4 weeks is .02 ive been using drol for years this way...
I agree with the above replies and I would go Enth (just personal preference) and I would drop the drol as well, once he's kicked in after 4 weeks he won't need it anyway... Dbol is a better option in my opinion
sandiego said:
(not worried about the deca dick thing, mofo isn't gonna get any pussy anyways)

lmao hahahaha thats good stuff well sounds like you got things panned out for him if hes got access to the internet have him get on MC and be part of the fam.