Handgrips , How should I train

neverseen them what are they? i have used wraps that go over your wrist for shrugs but what are grips/?
grips are the things you use to squeeze together to strengthen your forearms and grip strength really doesnt matter bro just mix them in like twice a week after your workout that way your grip is not weak during i dont think it will make much of a difference to be honest.
oh i thought it was something u wrap around a bar to lift it, sorry
have you actually noticed any sort of muscle hypertrophy from this?
something else you might want to try, I did this with some powerlifters that I trained with back in my early 20s...

at the end of your deadlift days load up the bar on the powerrack or smith machine and just lift it and hold in standing position as long as possible until the grip gives out...you can take this a step further and use a stop watch to gauge your progress
get some five gallon buckets fill them with weights and put 3 or 4 inch pvc pipe on the handles and carry them around. Add weight as it gets stronger really helps grip strength .