
personally, clen isnt better....its just "different".

Many cant handle clens sides. Also, clen doesnt kill appetite like ephedra does.
I Think Ephedrine Is The Better Of The Two Hands Down Along With Caffiene And Asperin Its Way Better For Me
I grew up on ripped fuel so im all for ephedra. I cant handle clen too well. I tremor like a crack head and the glycogen depletion makes muscle very week. So on sunday when I cant lift my beer and pizza for the bears game I get pissed....

Clen does work but too strong for me.
Clen did nothing for me cept make me tired. I would rather run Ephedrine Sulfate any day if i had to choose betw the 2.
both bro! much more benefit for me and way way less sides, but again only the synergy of ephedrine,caffiene and asperin, other wise ephedrine is absolutly worthless for me, but combine those 3 things and bam, im flying high and ready to rock and roll
aqua burn is good shit amps me out but i to get tired at the end of the run thats how i know to get off of it.
sandiego said:
Wow I really feel enlightened here. I never expected to hear such a strong baking for this stuff. Thank for all your opinions. Let me ask you this though: did you get better results from the ephedrine or just fewer sides?

Much better resultz from the ephedrine and if you can get your hands on it get ephedrine sulfate. Its a lil more $$$ but well worth it.

EYC stack works well to. Ephedrine/Yohimbe/Cafeine

But ECA is a classic and always kicks ass.