Prohormones- Still Legal and Piss Tests


New member
Do prohormones that are still considered legal tested for in piss tests? I have a question concerning prostanozol or the various supplements which in my case is the [3,2-c]pyrazole-5alpha-etioallocholane-17beta-tetrahydropyranol . It is likened to Winstrol, so I am worried about it showing up on a piss test.

I am taking an employment drug test and I dont even know if they test for AS or prohormones, just being cautious. Thanks bros.
I don't know aboht how pro-hormones will show up on a drug test, but AAS will not show up on a standard drug test. To be honest man, you better watch taking pro-hormones they can cause worse sides than the real deal can. I have experienced this myself. I will never use them again and will only stick to real gear. I'll bump this for you so someone may have a better insight on it than me.
prohormoes (considered illegal) will show up on a drug test as testosterone as that is what most of them convert to once they get into the body (5-AD's, 1,4-diols, etc...). So if your company is paying a ton of extra money to run steroid tests apart from the normal drug test you will be busted, however you can show them the pro's (if they are legal) if you test positive and it may not be that big of a deal (as long as you don't test positive for meth to). However, wooody is right in that they don't normally test for steroids in a company drug test and that the side effects can actually be worse using prohormones than gear. In my opinion the prohormones still considered legal will not show up on a piss test no matter what because they are not close enough to the real thing, however if they do you can show them the pro's and see what happens.

I want to let you know that I haven't done research into prohormones for several years now, so take everything I've said here with a grain of salt. When I was using everything was legal, but to my knowledge all of the things that gave really good gains and were similar in structure and function to steroids were banned. Hopefully someone else can either confirm what I've said or tell me I'm full of shit, which I will gladly accept. Either way we will both learn from this post. Have a good day.
Thanks bros. I know better than to have bought the prohos but i got tempted and did. Its a standard piss test, no blood. I doubt they woudl dhow up but its always good to ask some bros. BTW I have stopped taking them since last week. It was a prostanozol.
Anywhere to look up how long they stay in your system? I doubt very much they're testing for anything other than recreational drugs, but i would hate to not get a job for a legal supplement.
Pre-employment drug test

Here in Ohio, which is very stringent testing-wise, the state code does not list AAS as a requirement for drug testing. However, the code also allows companies to test for more than what the code dictates if they want. On the plus side, AAS testing is quite expensive and most companies do not opt to test for them due to cost. They are looking for alcohol, meth, crack, cocaine, amphetamines, barbiturates and other similar things that a true BB would even consider using.
I do believe Ephedrine shows up on a drug test as an amphetamine I am not sure so don't quote me on this.