Clomid Vs Nolvadex


Active member
I was trying to help another member find some info as he had some very specific questions regarding PCT and potential issues regarding his potential genetic predisposition regarding gyno....

SOOOooo... while I was searching, I found a pretty good comparison. Now I can't say that I definitely agree or disagree with this article... BUT, I definitely thought it was worth reading. Experience will dictate certain aspects of our opinions and what works for us, so almost like a devil's advocate.. i thought this was worth re-printing even if I wouldn't specifically do it myself... personally i've always had BOTH post cycle... maybe it's monotonious (sp?) but combined b/c of the dosage differences and the fact that they are NOT the exact chemical compound I felt I should go with both... however this *may* have some validity.
Re-Print from
By Big Cat
Clomid and Nolvadex

NOTICE: This information is for entertainment purposes ONLY!

Pharmaceutical Name: Clomiphene (as citrate)
Molecular weight of base: 405.9663
Molecular weight of ester: 192.125 (citric acid, 6 carbons)

Effective dose: 100-150 mg/day orally
Average Street-price: $1 - $4, prices can vary heavily
Available Doses: 25 and 50 mg tabs

Pharmaceutical Name: Tamoxifen (as citrate)
Molecular weight of base: 371.5212
Molecular weight of ester: 192.125 (citric acid, 6 carbons)
Effective dose: 20-40 mg / day orally
Average Street-price: $30 for 300 mg (30 tabs of 10)
Available Doses: 10,20,30 and 40 mg tabs


While practically similar compounds in structure, few people ever really consider Clomid and Nolva to be similar. Its not just a common myth in steroid circles, but even in the medical community. This misconception originates from their completely different uses. Nolvadex is most commonly used for the treatment of breast cancer in women, while clomid is generally considered a fertility aid. In bodybuilding circles, from day one, clomid has generally been used as post-cycle therapy and Nolvadex as an anti-estrogen.

But as I intend to demonstrate this is in essence the same. I believe the myth to have originated because Nolva is clearly a more powerful anti-estrogen, and the people selling clomid needed another angle to sell the stuff, so it was mostly used as a post-cycle aid. But few users really understand how clomid (and also Nolvadex, logically) works to bring back natural testosterone in the body after the conclusion of a cycle of androgenic anabolic steroids. After a cycle is over, the level of androgens in the body drop drastically. The body compensates with an overproduction of estrogen to keep steroid levels up. Estrogen as well inhibits the production of natural testosterone, and in the period between the return of natural testosterone and the end of a cycle, a lot of mass is lost. So its in everybody's best interest to bring back natural test as soon as humanly possible. Clomid and Nolvadex will reduce the post-cycle estrogen, so that a steroid deficiency is constated and the hypothalamus is stimulated to regenerate natural testosterone production in the body. That's basically how the mechanism works, nothing more, nothing less.

Both compounds are structurally alike, classified as triphenylethylenes. Nolvadex is clearly the stronger component of the two as it can achieve better results in decreasing overall estrogen with 20-40 mg a day, than clomid can in doses of 100-150 mg a day. A noteworthy difference. Triphenylethylenes are very mild estrogens that do not exert a lot, if any activity at the estrogen receptor, but are still highly attracted to it. As such they will occupy the receptor and keep it from binding estrogens. This means they do not actively work to reduce estrogen in the body like Proviron, Viratase or arimidex would (by competing for the aromatase enzyme), but that it blocks the receptor so that any estrogen in the body is basically inert, because it has no receptor to bind to.

This has advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantage is that when use is discontinued, the estrogen level is still the same and new problems will develop much sooner. The advantage is that it works much faster and has results sooner than with an aromatase blocker like Proviron or arimidex. Therefor, when problems such as gynocomastia occur during a cycle of steroids one will usually start 20 mg/day of Nolva or 100 mg/day of clomid straight away, in conjunction with some Proviron or arimidex. The proviron or arimidex will actively reduce estrogen while the clomid or Nolvadex will solve your ongoing problem straight away. This way, when use is discontinued there is no immediate rebound.

So which one should you use? Well personally, I'd have to say Nolvadex. Both as an on-cycle anti-estrogen and a post-cycle therapy. As an anti-estrogen its simply much stronger, demonstrated by the fact that better results are obtained with 20-40 mg than with 100-150 mg of clomid. For post-cycle, this plays a key role as well. It deactivates rebound estrogen much faster and more effective. But most importantly, Nolvadex has a direct influence on bringing back natural testosterone, where as clomid may actually have a slight negative influence. The reason being that Tamoxifen (as in Nolvadex) seems to increase the responsiveness of LH (luteinizing hormone) to GnRH (gonadtropin releasing hormone), whereas clomid seems to decrease the responsiveness a bit1.

Another noteworthy fact about Nolvadex is that it acts more potently as an estrogen in the liver. As you remember, I mentioned that clomiphene and tamoxifen are basically weak estrogens. Well, tamoxifen is apparently still quite potent in the liver. This offers us the positive benefits of this hormone in the liver, while avoiding its negative effects elsewhere in the body. As such Nolvadex can have a very positive impact on negative cholesterol levels2 in the body, and therefore too should be considered a better choice than clomid. It will not solve the problem of bad cholesterol levels during Steroid use, but will help to contain the problem to a larger degree.

Another reason why I promote the use of Nolvadex over Clomid post-cycle (as if being 3-4 times stronger and having more of a direct effect on restoring natural test wasn't enough) is because it's a lot safer. Not just because it improves lipid profiles, but also because it simply doesn't have the intrinsic side-effects that Clomid has. Clomid causes more acne for sure, but that's mainly because you need to use a 3-4 times higher dose. But Clomid seems to also affect the eyesight. Long-term clomid therapy causes irreversible changes in eyesight3 in users. Irreversible. For me that alone is reason enough to prefer Nolvadex.

Lastly, one should be aware that use of these compounds can reduce the gains made on steroids. Nolvadex more so than clomid, simply because it is stronger. Estrogen is responsible for a number of anabolic factors such as increasing growth hormone output, upgrading the androgen receptor and improving glucose utilization. This is why aromatizing steroids like testosterone are still best suited for maximum muscle gain. When reducing the estrogen levels, we therefore reduce the potential gains being made. For this reason one may opt to try clomid during a cycle instead of Nolvadex. Although I would imagine that the problem that needed solved would be of more concern, in which case Nolva remains the weapon of choice. It's a plain fact that there is a high correlation between gains and side-effects. Either you go for maximum gains and tolerate the side-effects, or you reduce the side-effects, and with it the gains. That's life, nothing is free.

Stacking and Use:

If problems of Gynocomastia or other estrogen related symptoms tend to pop up during a cycle the use of 20-30 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid daily should easily contain the problem, and be used until a few days after the problem subsides. For best results and the least amount of problems upon cessation it is best stacked with Proviron (50 mg) or arimidex (0.5 mg) for this duration as well. Its not advised that these products be ran concomitantly with the steroid for the entire duration of the stack, as this will reduce your gains. Instead cease the usage of anti-estrogens once the problem is contained, and should the problem resurface, simply recommence the use of the products in the same manner as described above.

Once a cycle of steroids is concluded one should always initiate a post-cycle therapy to help bring back natural testosterone as soon as possible. This will help you to retain the mass you gained. How this is done depends highly on the type of steroid used. If only orals were used, therapy should start immediately, even the last day of the stack. If short-acting esters or water-based injectables were used, therapy should commence within 4-7 days after last injection, and if long-acting esters were used then it should commence 1.5 to 2 weeks after the last injection was given. The length of the therapy will vary as well, from 3-5 weeks. The longer acting the product was, the longer therapy should be continued to make sure all suppressive factors are cleared before use of Clomid/Nolvadex is discontinued.

For best results, it is best stacked with HCG (Human Chorionic gonadotrophin), which functions as an LH analog and can help bring testicle size back up. HCG use starts the last week of a cycle, and on from there every 5-6 days (usually 1500-3000 IU) and discontinued 1.5 to weeks prior to the cessation of Nolvadex/clomid. The reason being that HCG itself is also suppressive of natural testosterone and should be out of the body before therapy is over, or it will inhibit natural testicle function. But I can not stress enough that HCG possibly plays a more important role in post-cycle therapy than clomid/Nolvadex. For Clomid and Nolvadex, doses are usually tapered down. Its best to start with 40-50 mg of Nolvadex or 150 mg of Clomid for the first week or the first two weeks, and then finish the program with 20-25 mg of Nolvadex or 100 mg of Clomid for an additional two weeks.


1 Vermeulen A., Comhaire F., Hormonal effects of an anti-estrogen, tamoxifen, in normal and oligospermic men, Fertil. Ster. 29 (1978) 320-27

2 Bruning PF, Bronfer JMG, Hart AAM, Jong-Bakker M, tamoxifen, serum lipoproteins and cardiovascular risk, Br. J. Cancer 1988 Oct, 58 (4) 497-9
Interesting Article Stickler, although I disagree with alot of the info stated. There is no evidence that Nol stimulates your FSH and LH which are key to restoring your HPTA levels. Clomid has been shown to do this and as far as using nol to suppress estorgen, AI's like A-dex or Letro are much better choices b/c they suppress estrogen by as much as 80% as where nol only supresses it by 40%. Also, Nol reduces Igf levels as well which is something to think about the next time you run Nol during a cycle or through PCT. Running Nol is def a old school mentality as well as running HCG during PCT. A better suggestion is to run HCG throughout the cycle to keep from having to bring back your testes as much as you would if you elect to run HCG only at the end during PCT.

I'll post my info a lil later so you can see some other info and draw your own conclusions. I will say this, all three can be used effectively I would just use them a lil differently. I just think there are other things better to use in place of nol.
fonz... I can't say that I thought this guys article was right in either direction, but i definitely thought it to be an stimulating read for a little discussion... in regards to running DURING a cycle I agree and that's also based on my own experiences..

I know we've had some chat about correct PCT and the article i thiink you wrote regarding the best therapy you may have had.. pretty sure that was you... i used nolv AND clomid during cycle.. and had nuts larger than life.. LOL ... but in regards to HCG I embaressingly enough have not had enough experience to say as much as i would like...

it's not about agreeing or disagreeing.. it's about agreeing to disagree that gets us talking about nothing... uh .. huh ... see i knew i like it here for a reason... cuz you get that... lol .. (not to many people understand my jibba jabba).. lol
Personally for me I would rather run 1000iu of HCG throughout my cycle and in doing this it is not very hard to recover from during PCT. For PCT (if my financial situation would allow) I would Def Choose Clomid and Aromasin for most cycles. From what I have seen and read I would choose Aromasin and Cabasar for something containing a Deca cycle. Most of you probably now what Aromasin is. Cabasar is usually used (by bodybuilders) to help prevent PROG gyno and it will also spike your libido. There are no scientific studies that show Nolvadex boosts testosterone after a cycle of AAS so one would think it's best to use something that would help boost Natural Testosterone and also be an Anti-E. This is why I could go with Aromasin or or Letrozole (Femera). That is an interesting article, but like both of you I disagree with a few things. Take note though, that everyone is different so one person COULD use Nolva only for PCT while Nolva only for another person may not help them recover at all. I have run a 12 week cycle of Test Prop and used 1000 iu throughout the entire cycle length and only used Nolva for PCT and recovered with a better libido I believe than before I ran that cycle. This time through I am using Clomid and Letro and I might have to run a little Nova since my Letro is running dry.
Stickler* said:
fonz... I can't say that I thought this guys article was right in either direction, but i definitely thought it to be an stimulating read for a little discussion... in regards to running DURING a cycle I agree and that's also based on my own experiences..

I know we've had some chat about correct PCT and the article i thiink you wrote regarding the best therapy you may have had.. pretty sure that was you... i used nolv AND clomid during cycle.. and had nuts larger than life.. LOL ... but in regards to HCG I embaressingly enough have not had enough experience to say as much as i would like...

it's not about agreeing or disagreeing.. it's about agreeing to disagree that gets us talking about nothing... uh .. huh ... see i knew i like it here for a reason... cuz you get that... lol .. (not to many people understand my jibba jabba).. lol

lol, oh yeah there will always be a debate on PCT till the end of time b/c everyone believes different things but thats what great. We can all chime in and help each other to learn so that everyone learns and it helps everyone.

Lmao, i have never run clomid during a cycle but its interesting to hear you did and had what sounds like a good exp. I would def like to hear more about that in regards to keeping yourself full.

HCG is great imho, but i have recently found info that states it must be taken IM and not Sub Q. Is that true??? I dont know but its always great to check it out so that its effective when we use it. Personally I have used it Sub Q and had good results from it but for my next cycle I will take it IM and see if there is any difference or not. Back to the subject on hand. HCG is best administered throughout a cycle, in an attempt to avoid atrophy of your boys, insteand of trying to correct the problem later on at the end of the cycle. It is important to not though that the dose needs to be low I suggest keeping it 250-500 ius 2x wk to keep from desensitizing the testes to LH. From what I have read amounts in excess over 500ius 2x wk run the risk of hypogonadism. So to be on the safe side I would run HCG throughout the entiriy of any cycle run @ a low dose taken every 3 to 4 days.

Now for clomid which is very important and not as bad as everyone thinks when it comes to mood swings. Clomid causes a natural increase in FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) and Lutenizing Hormone (LH). A very important thing to note is that if you dont get these levels back to normal in the body cortisol becomes the dominant force causing your body to go catabolic which is something we all dont want to happen. You will loose some of your hard earned gains during if y your cycle. This is the reason why if someone doesnt get there PCT right they loose there gains.

I'll write more after I eat and I'm looking for the article to post up.
Here is some interesting food for thought. It was posted by VISIONS (from genxxl) who is a PCT Guru. Def the person I turn to when I have a question I cant find the answer to.

Here are the studies for Arimidex, Letrozole and Aromasin... Keep in mind that the % it lowers estrodiol is for normal Testosterone levels...

1mg Arimidex ed = aprox 50% decrease in Estrogens = 58% increase in Testosterone = No change in gh = 18% decrease in IGF = Ok for PCT but not the best

2.5mg Letrozole ed = 46-62% lower estrogens dependent on age = 46% rise in Testosterone = Good for PCT if you ask me... There are more studies

25mg Aromasin ed = aprox 40-62% lower estrogens = 60% increase in Testosterone = Plasma lipids and IGF-I concentrations were unaffected by treatment = The Best for PCT if you ask me

I might as well add Tamoxifen = lowers gh and igf = No change in Free and Total Testosterone = Not good for PCT if you ask me and you are recovering on your own with little help from the nolva :
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Da_fonz do you have any example protocols of a correct applicated PCT? It would be greatly appriciated. If you need any additional info regarding my cycle I can pm you the link to proffesional muscle where i posted. Thx
Yeah bud I do but it would be a good idea to see the cycle you have planned. Hit me up with your cycle.

Here is a typical PCT and what should be run during:

HCG during the entire cycle 250iu's up to 500iu's depending on what your running 2x week. This can be taken either IM or Sub Q. If you decide to do it IM, just mix it with your shot. If you do Sub Q, just stick yourself in the midsection like a GH shot.

If your running an adrogen and expecially a strong androgen run dostinex @ .5mg E3d throughout to keep you from getting Progesterone Induced Gyno. You can run even sooner if need be but this amount seems to work for most people.

As for PCT:

Weeks 1-4 Clomid 150mgED/100mgED/100mgED/50mgED
Weeks 1-6 Aromasin 20mg ED

This is a standard that works for most, but it may need to be adjusted depending on the cycle and how you bounce back.

Hope this helps ya bud. And shoot me a PM if you want me to help ya more.
Great PCT Fonz and I like how you highlighted using HCG. So many people forget to include HCG because they think it is a waste but it is far from that and I personally feel and believe that HCG will make your cycle better in terms of keeping gains when coming off AAS, and especially during PCT.
I would say use clomid unless you are running a heavy cycle. Otherwise, clomid should be fine. Search "clomid" in the MC search option for the proper dose for you; experience, age, and weight. This is a great post Stickler, but everyones situation is different:) :chinese:
I am running the clomid portion of my current PCT as 100/100/50/50 in conjunction with Letro and then Nolva towards th end because I will run out of Letro. So far the Clomid hasn't seemed to affect my mood unless it just hasn't kicked in yet.