Having a Cold


New member
Hey bros....

What type of protocol do you follow when you have a nasty case of bronchial infection?

Whenever I get a cold, it drops immediately to my chest (Thanx mom for smoking)..
Anyway, im runnin prop/cyp and 50mcg of T3 a day..

What should I do? (Im Killin the Airborn/EmergenC/Echinacea/and water)

It looks like I am gonna lose out io two weeks of training. :(
You've already said it. I'd take time out from training until I felt much better. You also could get some antibiotics from the doc.
I hate antibiotics also (sometimes they are nesesary) - You gotta be honest to
yourself on how you feel (took me years - I'm hardheaded) If you are feeling really
bad then working out is going to hurt your recovery. Torwards the end of the chest
thing I will start up again because I think it helps clear the last of the crap out of my
lungs. If you HAVE to hit the gym and arn't completly better then sometimes I'll just
do a light - very high reps - workout just to get the blood flowing, not enough to
stress your system. Pushing it to fast will slow you down from full recovery. Just
what works for me.