The Truth About Training


MuscleChemistry Member
1) I believe in general that the majority of people don’t work hard enough. If there’s one thing we can learn from the old Eastern Bloc countries, it’s that they worked harder than us, and that primarily, is why they always beat us in the Olympics. Work hard in the gym (even if your program sucks) and you will be rewarded.

2) I also believe that most people don’t put near enough emphasis on lower body and core work. The key to getting big is full squats and deadlifts. If you are looking at your routine and you see that you are training upper body 3 or 4 days per week and lower body once, you have a serious problem. The majority of athletes should live and die in the squat rack.

3) And for that matter, EVERYONE’S program should be centered around these exercises: Full Squat, Deadlifts (or cleans or both), heavy barbell rows, bench press, and Standing Barbell Military/Push Presses. Add pull ups, barbell curls, dips, heavy abdominal work, and some core work (back extensions, reverse hypers, or glute hams) and that should make up 95-100% of the total number of exercises you do. The most effective training is simple and hard.

4) Training a bodypart once per week (and one bodypart per day) is one of the worst ways to train. It will create a rut in your training that you can’t dig out of.

Training a bodypart twice per week has always been shown to be superior to once per week training of a muscle. The problem is with the influx of "Weider Principles" and other bodybuilding trash that's posted in the magazines, the masses have been stuck in the one-bodypart-per-day-per-week rut for years.

No strength athletes train a bodypart once per week. Most olympic lifters, powerlifters, and strongman train their backs at least four times per week, and last time I checked, they weren't lacking in back width.

The simple fact is that training using an upper/lower split or a push/pull split or 3 full body days will provide double or triple the training stimulus than training a muscle once per week and thus, if done correctly will lead to much, much greater growth and strength gains.

5) Training to near muscular failure has shown to induce identical hypertrophy gains than training to all out muscular failure. The reason you guys can’t train a muscle more than once per week is because you are destroying it when you do train it. Learn to hit or miss that last rep and then call it done. Don’t do ridiculous amounts of forced reps, negatives, etc. until you literally can’t move the muscle. Take it to near failure and then your muscles will recover enough so that you can train them again in 3-4 days.

Understand that there is a huge difference in training to near failure and not training hard. I would never advocate to not train hard. Actually, quite the opposite – try to squat for 5 sets of 5 reps using only 10lbs less than your five rep max. That’s absolutely brutal. But when you get done, don’t go to the leg press machine and keep pounding out sets and stripping off weight until you literal can’t do a single leg press with only the sled. That’s absurd, and you can’t recover from it in 3 days.
agreed, one word of caution to newbies deciding to do deadlifts 3 days/week. Make sure you are using correct form and a weight that you can handle easy. Don't be to proud to ask someone for help. There is nothing worse than to make good progress for several months and then shut it all down because you hurt your back due to bad form. No matter how strong you are right now, if you are not used to doing full squats, deads or other complex movements DON'T GO HEAVY YET...get used to the form and the feel of it first and allow your body to get used to it. Just my .02
I Agree 100% With All Of These Things. It Makes Me Cringe When I See Guys Day In And Day Out Working Upper Body Set After Set After Set Of Curls. Lol.

My Workouts Take 30-40mins And I'm Exhausted But Usually Not Completely Destroyed. I've Always Had The Best Results Just Doing The Core Excercises + Bicep/tricep Curls Or Dips. Also A Little Variation In Bench Press (incline, Or Flat). I Grew To My Biggest Size Just Using A Very Basic Technique. It's Not Rocket Science. It's Just A Little Hard Work And Dedication.

Back When I Demolished My Muscles I Never Grew. I Literally Couldn't Walk Out Of The Gym Some Days. Lmao.
I am gald you guys like the posts. I got tons of stuff in my archives that i will keep posting. I will also write something myself here soon when i get a high carb day so i can think. lol

True, true...I only do basic movements too. I'm always seeing lots of guys doing tons of isolation work. Not too many doing squats and deads.
damn it, my dead session got curtailed yesterday just as I was getting started. Going to have to rearrange my schedule now. I hate that!
WOW!!! Again great info that just keeps getting better. I have always trained one bodypart per week and have gotten nice results but then I have always trained them to failure. I am going to check this out. I'm always worried about overtraining all the time. There have been times when I got stuck in that rut. Can you give an example of your typical week and when you do what? Also when you do cardio? Always a pleasure reading your posts girl. Peace!
I never do standing military presses or barbell rows....think this may be unwise?
Here is my split:

Monday: Shoulders & Tris
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Back
Friday: Chest & Bis

I do abs and lunge till the cows come home on saturdays. I do 2 hours of cardio everyday in season as well. Now this is a very small change from my split in the offseason:

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Off saturday and sunday. I don't do cardio in the offseason. I achieve great results either way but it all depends on how well i adjust my diet.

As for standing miliaties...seated are just as good, especially behind the neck..lovem. BB rows with alternating grips can be very very rewarding. Worth a try guys.

*N.V.S* said:
Here is my split:

Monday: Shoulders & Tris
Tuesday: Legs
Wednesday: off
Thursday: Back
Friday: Chest & Bis

I do abs and lunge till the cows come home on saturdays. I do 2 hours of cardio everyday in season as well. Now this is a very small change from my split in the offseason:

Monday: Legs
Tuesday: Chest
Wednesday: Back
Thursday: Shoulders
Friday: Arms
Off saturday and sunday. I don't do cardio in the offseason. I achieve great results either way but it all depends on how well i adjust my diet.

As for standing miliaties...seated are just as good, especially behind the neck..lovem. BB rows with alternating grips can be very very rewarding. Worth a try guys.


How are you doing your lunges?
sandiego said:
How are you doing your lunges?

oh yeah lunges!!! my favorites!!!
I vary my lunges, I would do the bar with no weights for 4 sets of 20 reps each leg. or i would do the smith and load it with 225 and do each leg or alternate legs, then i just use body weight and lunge across the parkinglot for about 20 minutes. Here is what my legs look like offseason :)

DANG!!!!!! Girl you got it going on! What the hell........? You very well put together. I guess alot of lunges go along way........................... I'm impressed and ashammed....
Spartan warrior said:
DANG!!!!!! Girl you got it going on! What the hell........? You very well put together. I guess alot of lunges go along way........................... I'm impressed and ashammed....

Well my legs are my best bodypart. They are really big though and i have trouble fitting into alot of things. But Fonz thinks I'm hot shit in a skirt so I'm cool :D

Thanks though ;)
