EC stack question


New member
Whats goin on guys. I want to run an EC stack. I have Ephedrine Plus tablets. is 12.5 mg Ephedrine HCL and 200 mg guaifenesin. Now i was gonna buy 200 mg caffeine pills, but i was just reading the lable on my jug of Fast twitch by cyto sport, and it contains 200 mg caffeine every scoop. I was wondering if i could just take a scoop of fast twict with my eph. 1 scoop ft with 2 tablets of eph. What do you think, Thanks again.
i would just grab the caffiene pills, also why arent u using asperin with it, asperin is what makes it realy work
bump Presser's response, you can't leave the aspirin out of the equation... it should be an ECA stack. I learned this the hard way and got zero results without the aspirin
really i thought you said you didnt like using asperin anymore presser? maybe it was somebody else it was a while ago. Somebody give a good eca stack dosage and frequency and mg. that would be good to add to this post.
i found that using coffee instead of caffine pills tend to work better also and is less harsh on the stomach :puke:
I read somewhere that the nly reason aspirin was used was to thin the blood because both ephedra and caffeine act as vaso restricytors, but i was told that if you have enough arginine supplementation that the aspirin wasnt needed, it was an old school technique. Thanks for the advice guys.