Protect Your Liver


MuscleChemistry Member
The liver is involved in the variety of functions, including:
Synthesis and secretion of bile salts o Needed for the digestion and absorption of fats
Endocrine Functions
Secretes IGF-I in response to GH
Synthesizes triiodothyronine (T3) from Thyroxine (T4)
Secretes cytokines needed by the immune system
Blood Clotting
Synthesis of Proteins
Plasma albumin, lipoproteins, various hormone binding proteins
Ketone formation
Cholesterol Metabolism
Excretory Functions
Secretes bilirubin
Metabolizes and excretes foreign and hazardous molecules
This is by no means an extensive list of the liver’s functions. Damage to the liver can result in the malfunction or cessation of its functions, which can lead to various ailments and even death. Therefore, it is vital to keep your liver healthy and running optimally. All athletes should be mindful of their liver health, but this is especially true for athletes that take any sort of prohormone or steroid as these substances can damage the liver. There are three supplements that can aid in keeping your liver healthy (and also have many other beneficial effects): Milk Thistle (Silymarin), NAC, and ALA.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle has been used for ages to treat various diseases, most prominently liver disease. Silymarin is the active component of milk thistle. Silymarin is an antioxidant [1], increases protein synthesis in the liver leading to faster regeneration of liver cells [2], and prevents toxins from binding to receptor sites of the liver [3]. Silymarin also has anti-inflammatory [2] and anti-cancer properties [4, 5].

Supplementing with Milk Thistle will decrease the possibility of suffering liver damage while using steroids and will help the liver regenerate its liver when the usage of steroids is ceased. For the natural athlete, supplementing with Milk Thistle will ensure optimal liver health.


N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC) is derived from the non-essential amino acid cysteine. Because cysteine is very unstable, supplementing with NAC allows one to get the benefits of cysteine. NAC is an antioxidant itself [8] and is also used to synthesize the powerful antioxidant glutathoine. Glutathione has its own antioxidant properties, but it also regenerates vitamin C and E [6]. Glutathione is found in high concentrations in the liver and is involved in the protection against toxic compounds and oxidative stress of the liver. Most importantly to the topic at hand, NAC has been shown to protect the liver from damage [9]. Since intense exercise depletes glutathione [6, 7], supplementing with NAC can be helpful in restoring glutathione levels and protecting the liver.

Alpha Lipoic Acid

Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) is both a fat and water-soluble antioxidant. It has been shown to work in synergy with vitamin C, vitamin E, and Glutathione (NAC). ALA “recycles” vitamin C, and both vitamin C and E “recycle” ALA. It also directly increases Glutathione levels [10]. ALA has been used to cure liver damage caused by poisonous mushrooms, alcohol, metals, and other poisons due to its ability to remove toxic minerals from the body [11]. ALA is a very potent antioxidant and a great addition to any regime.


We only have one liver, so it is vital to keep it healthy and functioning optimally. The combination of Milk Thistle, NAC, and ALA will work synergistically with one another to keep your liver healthy by increasing its antioxidant levels and protecting it from oxidative stress and damage. All three of these supplements can be found here at Bulk Nutrition. I highly recommend Bulk Nutrition’s Pro Liver, which contains Milk Thistle and NAC, and Primaforce Pure ALA.
i love liv52, my liver values are hardly ever elevated, it helps that i dont really drink anymore as well LOL