Crohn's Disease

you would know if you had crohns man, most of the time you get hospitalized when you have crohns and its not just diarreha. I know a few people that have it and it's like having HIV for a few weeks, its really a horrendous disease bro, but for safetys sake go to the doctor and check it out.
dont be scared to talk to your parents about it malic they should be the first to know aside from you because theyre the ones that are going to be there for you the most.
my buddy has chrones and hes had it for quit awhile since he was i think 17 hes 42 know i was explained that sometimes people think the have it but its just ibs some of the syptoms are the same. it is more common in women but guys can have it too he said that if you have chrons "i know im spelling it wrong but you know what i mean" he said its more like cancer but not to the extremes. the most common thing in chrons is blockages in the intesten and asyst on your ass like bad hemmroids. YOu r best bet is to not wait to make sure you dont have a blockage go to a free health clinic your school can tell you were most of them are at in your student health are if your in college. if you have any questions ill tell my buddy and you can get answer from somebody that has it but make sure you have this checked out bro dont wait. and i agree with every one lese you should always talk to your parents shit mine supprised me once in awhile when i was younger. but get it checked out.
Chron's Disease, Etiology/pathophysiology: Characterized by inflammation of segments of the GI tract.It can affect any part of the GI tract. Cause is unknown. Most often affects people 15 to 30 y.o.a. In early stages of Chron's tiny ulcers form. Over time, horizontal rows of these ulcers fuse w/ vertical rows, causing the mucosa to take on a cobblestone appearance and scarring occures. Malabsorption of b12 is the major problem when the small intestine is involved. There are many other issues, but this is all I have time for
this thread together with some of your previous posts leads me to believe that you some really shitty parents. Bet you can't wait to move out of that God for saken place eh?
sandiego said:
this thread together with some of your previous posts leads me to believe that you some really shitty parents.
ya, too bad you cant pick your parents
yeah no doubt-mine sucked too. Foster care turned out to be a better deal for me.