HGH Research Papers


MuscleChemistry Member
Some doctors believe that if young people who do not need HGH start taking too much it can lead to some side effects that are far from pleasant. Headaches, fluid retention, insulin resistance and even gynecomastia have been listed as possibilities. Many professionals suggest that you find out if you are even deficient in human growth hormone before you start any kinds of HGH treatments that way you can avoid taking too much and overdosing.

There are some things that you can try before you decide to go the HGH injection route. For example you can try exercise. Anaerobic activity can help you to lose that extra weight and gain muscle. This is not going to work for everyone though. Adults who are already over the age of 40 or 50 and especially those in their 60’s may not be able to get their bodies to product HGH naturally anymore. In cases like this the only options available is HGH replacement therapy like human growth hormone injections.

Back in 1990 there was an article published in the 1990 New England Journal of Medicine and in this publication Dr. Daniel Rudman released his finding on a study he did involving men from the ages of 61 to 80 and HGH. He gave 12 men intramuscular growth hormone and the men on average lost 14 percent of their body fat in only 6 months and not only that, they also gained 8.8 percent muscle mass.

The benefits that these men got from taking part in this study got better and better as well. They also saw their bone density increase and their skin even thickened and began to look significantly younger. In case you are not aware of it, as people age their skin become much thinner, that is why it gets crepey and old looking. Even the wrinkles on their bodies disappeared and their sex drive and performance grew big time.

This study went a long way towards showing that while most people age they do not necessarily have to do so. With the right treatments we can look and feel at least 10 years younger and that is only with one year of treatment.

There was another study done that same year and this one involved 21 men and they ranged in age from 61-81. Their fat tissue and their lean body mass changed so much that the same doctor, Dr. Rudman said there was easily 10-20 years of changes made and that was with some simple HGH injections. These men were much healthier with more muscle mass and less far, even their lung and heart capacity was improved by taking the HGH not to mention their liver and kidney function and their immune system improvements.

The medical world was very impressed by these studies and that is why HGH is getting to be so sought after.